And theses weirdos would call him a hater smh he’s speaking truth!!
If anyone can find results of a pole, that asks “at what age did you become gay”? Did you know anyone else that was gay at that time? Did you get to experience or view any sexual activity that showed you you were gay? Do we have that info?
Excellent share of Truth
A. Kelly, “Let’s talk about porn watching adult Christians. Call them out from the pulpit and watch 50% or more of the congregation scatter.” Yes, please do and why not get the language straight. Instead of gay, why not faggot or even better, call it what God calls it, sodomy or sodomite. Sodomite isn’t quite so easy on the ears is it. Yes, I wish today’s pastors would bring the unfiltered Word. If those “tithers” leave, fine. Maybe God would return to his house if it were cleansed of the cowards in the pulpits and the hypocrites in the pews. I have no doubts that God can fill those vacated seats with joyful givers if he chooses, if not, then so be his will. Lastly, the church doesn’t make the rules about “sexual morality”, God did. He called sodomy an abomination and instructed a penalty if guilty.