Full article at: The Fallen Angels, Giants And Noah’s Flood | World Events and the Bible
Why did God bring about Noah’s Flood? We explain the reason for the Flood which concerns Fallen Angels, Giants and their influence on Adam’s descendants.
Hi Brandon this is an excellent study. One question not stated and maybe some might be thinking is whom did the daughters of Adam marry at their time as they were not incestuous. They had to be marrying from and with the 6th day creation of mankind. Would you reply. Thank you.
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Since Goliath and his brothers were around during the time of David, and the sons of Anak during the time of Moses (as well as others in Canaan) leads me to 2 questions.
Were the ancestors of these people out of the flood zone or did more fallen angels come a 2nd time? Genesis 6 says “after that”, but we are not told of a 2nd infiltration. I would think that the Lord would prevent a 2nd after the first disaster.
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