Syria Falls To Terrorists, What It Means For Iran

Full article at: Syria Falls To Terrorists, What It Means For Iran | World Events and the Bible

Can you believe the sudden turn of events? Just days ago, media reports swirled that “rebels” in Syria were fighting against the government… It was like a 2010 flashback. You remember, the “Syrian Civil War.” We were told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had chemical weapons, and he was using them against his people. That turned…


7 counties in 5 years? are we there yet, Iraq, syria, lebanon, libya, somalia, sudan, and finally, Iran. this is all documented. this plan was set up right after 9/11, didn’t didn’t make the 5 year deal, but they never give up .

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nice…that’s the way I see it as well… isolate the enemy…

Good angle, Brandon. It definitely does seem like they’re prepositioning for war against Iran.

In other news, Syria’s assimilation into the global system is complete:

“Syria’s new government has told business leaders it will adopt a free-market model and integrate the country into the global economy…” - Reuters

Unsurprisingly, the effort is being spearheaded by a former World Bank exec.


So Israel has gone on a military rampage in Syria.

There’s even more reports of Israeli troops moving further into Syria.

Meanwhile, the US is attacking “ISIS” in Syria.

This whole thing was planned out to weaken Iran. It’s a destruction spree in Syria right now, this is insane. But Western media shows you happy Syrians — in Europe. :joy:


“The Biden administration insists the U.S. will not get involved in Syria’s war or the overthrow of the Assad government. But the U.S. and its allies have deep interests in Syria, including the efforts to defeat IS,” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I find it an interesting coincidence that the person who I believe is the true architect behind Assad abdicating his dictatorship and the tiny coalition of rebels toppling a regime that has ruled with an iron fist for fifty years, goes by a name that when scrambled spells “Dragone”. He has been increasingly vocal and critical of Israel as well as other Muslim countries, and it is also well known that this individual has turned his entire country into a religious Islamic state while having aspirations of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire. As America implodes and everyone is obsessed with the Diddy saga, prophecy is playing out right under our noses. All the participants of the Psalms 83 war who are slated to simultaneously attack Israel are coming into focus along with the prophet Daniel’s vision of the future empire of clay and iron. Just as clay and iron don’t mesh well together, the nations of the Middle East have also never meshed together well. I can’t help but have a sick feeling that this same leader is about to bring this dysfunctional group of nations together over the next few years, using a combination of force, stealth, and religious fervor. I fear we are witnessing the beginning of a horrific roller coaster ride that is about to roll out onto the world scene and believe we should be paying close attention. If my assumptions are correct, we are going to see a profound transformation in the Middle East over the next few years and then the world will be lulled into believing that the Middle East is finally going to see peace; however, it will only be a facade that will ultimately turn into hell on earth. Please pray for the people in this region because I truly fear for them and their families.


Have they started “The Forgotten Jews of Syria” commercials yet? :money_mouth_face:

Asking for a friend. :innocent:

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