State of Maryland court decides

State of Maryland courts decide that parents of children in public schools do not have the choice to prevent their children form learning LBGTQ instruction on grounds that it is contrary to their religious beliefs because they did not present a sufficient argument. Nor can they argue for an injunction. The judge stated that parents have two choices, pay for their children to attend a private school or continue their education in a ‘free’ public school system.
I like the ‘Free’ part. Free? Gee, thank you for your kindness, 'we should be more grateful.
Has it ever dawned on any politician that, that may be the reason American people are opting out of parenthood? Because taxation has tapped them out. ? besides the fact that government meddling and control of raising ‘your’ children places new parents at pisk of criminal charges and even jail time for failing to meet government guidelines. It’s a mess.
like everything else that the government inserts itself into. Imagine 24 year old college grads with little or no life experience setting standards for child rearing. Or anything else for that matter. Common sense would cause me to look to a mother who has raised 5 children successfully for that advice. No way I would ever want to raise children in this current environment and culture that is completely void of common sense and sound logic.

I’m done.

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We thank God that we decided to pull our son out of a small Catholic school and homeschool. What a blessing! Homeschool is really the only way nowadays.

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