Spiritual Darkness Has Covered The World

I’m thankful that you realized what it can do to your body before something drastic happened. And you nailed it, it effects you mentally as well. Look at the number of teens that are having serious physical injuries and who knows about all the mental anguish. Truly sad!! I feel sorry for kids today…parents pushing them into sports, then the parents acting like idiots at the game…I suppose…the parents spent thousands of dollars on these sports…so I guess they weren’t too bright to begin with. These poor kids are treated like adult athletes…and their bodies are still growing. So utterly stupid…but again, they are brainwashed into thinking sports are so good for kids…it keeps them off the streets…keeps them off drugs…blah, blah, blah. Ya, it USED TO be a good thing before the made it into another industry to make tons of money.

Sorry, didnt mean to go off on that tangent…it’s just hard to watch the stupidity in the world.

Yes, thank you for reminding me that we have become numb to everything going on today. I am guilty of that and will have to be more mindful. It is thrown in our face so much that it becomes part of our daily lives. I try to show my daughter and grandson what is going on today, then find myself getting sucked into all the rhetoric myself. Thank you, again for reminding me to stand up instead of just going along with it and thinking it’s ok. It isn’t ok.

Amazing as always Kay!! I think your neuron activity is at 1000% such an amazing comment!
Please excuse my one neuron, it has gone on perpetual holiday… Haha

Most don’t know it, but we are watching huge biblical milestones play out right in front of us. The scriptures say that first there will be a falling away of the church and then a false religion will come to dominate most of the world. Because Christianity has declined so drastically in Europe, Islam is growing exponentially and taking over, and Europe is now jokingly referred to as “Eurabia”. Throughout Europe many of the churches have been abandoned due to lack of participation and the incoming Muslims are now asking that the buildings be converted into mosques. Britain citizens are violently clashing with immigrants as demonstrated by the recent riots that erupted after the stabbings of three British girls by a Muslim immigrant. Authors like Joel Richardson (The end times anti-Christ) and Michael Youssef (The Third Jihad) are shedding light on how Islam perfectly fits the prophet Daniel’s description of the final end times empire led by the anti-Christ. The theory of a resurrected holy Roman empire not only does not fit as well as the theory of a resurrected Ottoman empire, it also does not match what is actually unfolding in the world. Russia COULD be involved with the final anti-Christ led kingdom, but it won’t be leading it. As Iran threatened to retaliate against Israel because Israel assassinated a leader of Hamas on Iranian soil, Erdogan, the leader of Turkey was threatening both Greece and Israel and has already turned Turkey into a full radical Islamic state. Turkey is now becoming the embodiment of the former Ottoman empire that prided itself on cutting off its enemy’s heads by the hundreds of thousands. Since it is the oldest and most respected Islamic country, countries like Iran, Iraq, and Egypt would join Turkey without hesitation if Erdogan began to force smaller countries like Syria, Sudan, etc. into submission to form one large Islamic state. The scriptures describe many Christians being beheaded as martyrs just before the return of Christ, and as we all know, only one religion condones and glorifies beheadings. This is just one of the facts that don’t fit the holy Roman empire theory. France’s mistake, as shown by their open and abominable display during the opening of the Olympics, started when they opened themselves up for every man-made perversion, belief, and religious practice. Sadly, they haven’t considered the fact that once France turns Islamic, all the alternative lifestyle people will learn very quickly to their horror that they will be the first to be persecuted and executed. I know that what I am saying is not considered politically correct in today’s “every belief is acceptable” world, but I am saying it out of love because so many are going to regret their choices. I just pray for God’s mercy on this world.

I agree. Where are the professing Christian athletes and did any of them address these opening ceremony acts? It is hard not to be a go along to get along follower of Jesus!

Has anyone noticed that when the athletes receive their medals that the number of the MOB is represented? Each medal contains a hexagon with 6 sides so that’s 666 for gold, silver and bronze lined up…

Couldn’t agree more. My daughter has a son in soccer and he’s very good and will probably be professional someday. He plans on being professional and I have no doubt he will be, he’s that focused but the amount of money they have to spend is obscene and the most action seen at games is the parents going nuts over a bad call for their child etc. It’s quite amazing to witness