Here it comes…
Let’s hear your thoughts on this one. It slowly continues to become a more widespread topic.
Here it comes…
Let’s hear your thoughts on this one. It slowly continues to become a more widespread topic.
It is hard to see a loved one suffering but I think we can agree that it is biblically wrong.
I was always taught growing up that anyone who commits suicide is dammed. I have not found anything in scripture that says that suicide is a sin but that doesn’t mean its not there as i am continuing to learn by continuing to read and study scripture. I do belive each one of us play a role in God’s overall plan and terminating your own life doesn’t seem like it would be God’s will for anyone. If i were suffering excruciating pain from a terminsl disease i don’t honestly know if it would change my opinion. I can only trust in God as he knows what’s better me than i or anyone else does.
The only thing I can see the medical field helping with is keeping them comfortable when the person doesn’t want any more life saving treatments. God is the One that chooses when a person’s souls return to Him.
I would approve of as much pain med for as long as they need, to alleviate pain.
I think of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
We already do it called hospice its just performed by a nurse.
This is true. My mother died this way. They stopped giving her food and then water. She slowly lost all weight and became skeletal. She slept all time and was waken only to take pain pills. I prayed God take her home. What seemed like years was 6 weeks. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about this topic. I would rather take a high dose of something and go home to Father sooner than put my children through that.
Welcome aboard ASO2025
Thank you!!! I enjoy this site lots and the info and bible studies and news.
My father died under hospice care as well. They stopped with the food and drink saying that his organs were shutting down and he couldn’t tolerate either. I always struggled with this. I think about sNOwflakes post “1 Corinthians 6:19-20”. If our souls belong to God, then suicide would be killing one of God’s children.
Hi Teresa, Hope you are well. Food was not offered to my mother in a “dry death” even if she could eat. I here ya, and read what sNOwfakes said. Agree the bible says that. I’m not sure that God wouldn’t understand though. If you are terminal and going to die anyway, maybe in a day maybe a month, you are just ending the suffering for the ones you love sooner. Not sure if this is something I would do. But can’t honestly say I wouldn’t, knowing the hurt my children were feeling. Thanks for the response
Thanks for your reply Angela. Watching your loved ones at the end is very hard.