Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Im always amused the arguements for/against holidays. Especially Halloween, Easter, & Christmas in spite all being grounded in pagan pastimes. Explain which is more evil, taking a pagan holiday and substituting imaginary monsters for witches and demons or taking a pagan holiday and substituting Jesus so you can celebrate the holiday along with pagans? Would everyone be happier if frankenstein costumes were replaced with Jesus costumes? I actually saw a trick or treater dressed as such and carrying a cross door to door years back. Heck of a statement and good for him I thought.

The holiday topic has raised divide between Christians as long as I can remember. Each having their favorite spin on right and wrong. Here is a really cool thought to ponder of which there will be a myriad of differing opinions of which wisdom typically keeps to itself: To Cyrus - Isaiah 45:7. I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.

Oddly enough, do you realize how many more verses in the Bible warn against mans judgement of others vs self or not judging at all? There you go. That should light some fires. Thank goodness I didnt mention “The Shack” that really roils the blood in those who think they have God all figured out.

Perhaps if we spent more time dealing with ourselves and loving our neighbors vs spreading discord and creating or furthering division and strife… What a world that would be. Right?

Not sure who has the energy or desire to spread discourse on this board. Jesus will judge all when He returns.