Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Full article at: Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? | World Events and the Bible

Christians should celebrate Jesus Christ, not what Christmas has become. I’ll also discuss the origins of the Christmas tree, and what God thinks of them.


This is a great reminder for people. This is our first year that we did not have a Christmas tree…and it was a bit difficult explaining that to people, but hey, I’m just not doing it anymore. Thank you for posting this - this will help me provide the scripture to people that are interested in knowing why we don’t have one.

God bless!!!


Hi Brandon. I have read your last two articles and I worry some people may become confused a bit. Regarding Jeremiah 1 and the evergreen tree, if one reads the whole subject as presented within the chapter it is clearly not a Christmas tree that is the subject, but rather, men carving wood and adorning them as idols. That is very simplified here, but the chapter subject is pretty clear. I do agree the celebration of the conception of our Messiah has been so very lost and mistaught and sadly not many know what they are celebrating, and ought to seek that reason and truth out by reading GODs Word thoroughly, and if I may add, stop dallying about doing that. “Seek ye ME, and ye shall live” Amos 5:4. The LORD GOD has given all of us to everything we need within it that we might be fully sealed and prepared for the deceptions coming now rabidly and then across the whole earth like never has ever been before nor ever will be again after it. That is all I will say about the tree confusion. It is not the tree it is all the lack of right knowledge that hurts the soul of the people. It has caused us all to lose heart, faith and brotherly love.
The second article that stopped me short was the way ‘the jews’ Jews treat Christians - horrifically, as do other heathen and GODless and communistic world governing leaders also do. They are not of GOD but of their father the devil, and they all in unison do the work of him, the liar. GODs People are inherently Hebrew not ‘Jews’ - let me explain. There are those of 2 of the 12 Tribes being Judah and Benjamin living in the tiny state of Israel and elsewhere too that the enemies tagged ‘Jews’ because of the place they lived and the name of their Tribe(s). There are those that wanted to become a part in with them and did just that, ‘with help’, to become living in and among Judah and then over times claimed to be one of them in every way but are not of Judah our brother. They have in fact, as it is written, caused grave and grievous pain due to erroneous deception and misinformation over so long of time as to who they are, in relation to our brother. That has caused much grief indeed. All this is written. Not all ‘so-called jews’ are from GOD, they have been planted by a wicked seed. We can tell them in that they

  1. deny that Jesus is the Christ,
  2. That Christ is the Son of Almighty GOD
  3. That HE is our future KING and LORD of all the Earth. That came 1st and was denied by their kind, put to death at their insistence on the cross; and they could have chosen another criminal but oh no they demanded Christs death there and then. They demanded the murder of The LORD GOD Creator of all that is! There is no light nor no love in them. Can they be saved even still now, yes upon earnest seeking and repenting, our FATHER is most gracious and loving. Imagine helping one return to FATHER? That would be a special work indeed. I digress. Back to that event of their celebrating and demanding HIS murder. It makes me think of the last 3 1/2 days of satans reign here on earth. When he will murder the 2 witnesses in the street/public square for the world to see and the world will love to see it after calling for it and then will rejoice over the event celebrating for those last 3 1/2 days of this dispensation. Can you imagine!!!??
    Fact. Our LORDs 2nd return is in abeyance until the end of the tribulation of satan on earth. The cumulation of 5 1/2 months…2 1/2 months where the OWO human men, NGWO leaders will be set in place, then it shall receive the deadly wound, and satan and his 7000 evil ones shall arrive in some sort of spectacular way, and the ‘whole world’ [minus the election is going to instantaneously believe he is our LORD Christ come back to save us all.
    That is going to be some extraordinary happening indeed! That is what we are to be preparing for now, so that we may be able to withstand the magnificent illusions, miracles and deceptions coming upon the ‘whole world’ and not that far down this road we are currently on. After all, satan as antichrist, and his fallen ones coming with him are in-fact supernatural, and we do not stand a chance on our own against him or them. They are supernatural masters skilled in every means of deception of every sort and kind; masters in all it entails. Supernatural beings that will appear as men to us humans. That is why GOD had told and warned us to suit up firmly in our minds to become ‘sealed in HIS Truth which can only found in HIS Word’ along with prayer and earnest repentance and love filled faith. The ‘jews’ as being all piled into the same box, are not all the same at all. Those that are not of our brother have always caused chaos everywhere they are, they plant divisions, wallow in dark things and bad things and evil things, and well, all they put their hand to is not right, nor righteous work, everything. Learning about them and watching them helps us identify them more easily. I know this is short, in that it lacks Scripture references (there are just far too many as you are aware, for me to type them here and this is long enough). I believe you seek the Scriptures and will see the reason in the thoughts I’ve presented as a share here.
    I hope you will. You will prove them out or prove me wrong. I’m okay with either. If I may be wrong in my thoughts from study and researching history except my apology. I hope you accept my views and thoughts not as a criticism but as a hopeful means of both gaining more clarity. LORD knows people are confused enough and need clarity. It can only come from GODs Word, which is where Truth lives, and every day I pray for all that will - are already at it.
    Meanwhile, Merry Christmas to you and yours Brendon.

I agree with some of your points Karen but I must say I wasn’t confused not one bit by this post. I think Brandon does a great job with grabbing the subject of the chapters and teaching us what is being talked about.


You are correct Karen! It is the Palm tree that is being mentioned in Jeremiah, not the evergreen.

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I think the point here is man has taken a pagan holiday, wrapped it with some Christian tinsel and call it Holy.
The pagans used a tree, regardless of what kind, decorated it, for their pagan ritual. Now we don’t bow down to our Christmas trees, but it is the same scenario. The tree, gifts, snowman etc. have taken the place of the true meaning of the time period. The conception of Christ. Most people don’t even know when He was born.
Anything that is put before God is an idol. All the extras have become idols in the modern-day world. It was slow and gradual, but here we are.

I attended a church awhile back. Christmas day fell on a Sunday. It was announced that the service was cancelled due to the holiday and people were busy. Hence idol worship.

The trees the pagans were cutting down were palm trees, they’d cut the tops off, and decorate and worship them because it was in the shape of a phallus


Never thought I would agree with a ‘Karen’ Just kidding. Very good points. Well said and from the heart.

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Snowman, I think Christmas represents whatever each individual feels it is. I’m not the ‘Frosty’ or Santa type. When I think of Christmas those things don’t come to mind, I think about Jesus and our heavenly father. I reflect on what kind of a man I am, where I need to make serious adjustments, and recap the past years history and look for the wrongs I did and plan to rectify them if possible. I want to be a better man in the eyes of God and know it in my heart. I haven’t been to church more than three times in fifty years, and I don’t feel like I missed anything. I don’t want to be lumped in to any group or represented by anyone or anything other than my heart. My wife loves a Christmas tree. A real tree! for the last ten years she has settled for a 3’ metal tree. No mess, easy to put up and easy to shove back in the closet. But it touched my heart to surprise her this year, I’m hoping to find at least a 14’ spruce and luckily I have a shop with a 21’ ceiling. I want to do that for her, because it will bring her joy. She still has the angel tree topper her mom used when she was a child. she still has ornaments from the first we bought 52 years ago. Many of the ornaments were gifts from elders who have died years ago. like I said, Christmas, is what is what it means to YOU!
I don’t care who likes it or not! If it means means nothing to you, forgo it! Don’t worry about it. Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas. I believe that it is a great day full of love and memories and above that a day the Jesus/Emmauel GOD with us in the flesh, our Saviour, Redemer and coming KING and LORD was miraculously conceived and what a great gift this was for all mankind that embrace and love FATHER. That is what it means to me. I love everything that is about our LORD, home, family and love during this quiet and still time of the year. But that is as I see it.


I feel the need to reply one more time. Although we dont have a tree, I certainly understand why others still do. It’s a personal decision that everyone has the choice to decide. God bless everyone here in this community- we have a great thing going here!!