Scientists Resort to Once-Unthinkable Solutions to Cool the Planet

Look, I like science, not all of it, but I like a good chunk of it. It’s fun, it’s interesting. Unfortunately, and like anything else, it’s filled with nuts. :peanuts::nut_and_bolt:

What am I talking about?

The crazies want to cool the planet so bad they’re dumping chemicals in the ocean, spraying junk in the sky and so on. Doing all of these things only creates unintended consequences. If you really think man is causing “warming,” then fix the problem. Change the greedy economic model of today, that’ll fix most things.

Regardless, the planets been “warming” since the end of the last ice age. Last I checked, they didn’t make trucks back then. So perhaps, just perhaps, “warming” and cooling is dare I say…


Scientists Resort to Once-Unthinkable Solutions to Cool the Planet

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chances are they have been doing this for a very long time and are now just telling us about it. they have already poison most of our water ways, gmo stuff, what could possibly go wrong. i often wonder if they stopped doing all this harmful stuff to the planet if it would heal, or would it cause a rubber band effect ?

They are mad they can’t break through the firmament. :man_shrugging::sunglasses:


It’s all madness.

I did want to mention, it’s public record that governments have been doing all of these things for a very long time. I think the first one to do it was China back in the 50-60s, don’t quote me on that. It’s just becoming more common, and they’re wanting to push it even more due to earth’s “dire” situation. :roll_eyes:

Its a very very strange world we live in master jack. i don’ t know why i thought of this song , but i did. i bet there are a lot of people on this site , in my age group that remember it?

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i wonder if it is the same thing bill gates is saying, which is chalk to spray in the sky???

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I had to look it up to remember it! I’ll have to read the lyrics later…I bet they are interesting.

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I still have to take a look at all of that…I am on the fence about it. Heck, I’m on the fence with a lot of the things in this world, but thankful that I’m not on the fence regarding a Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


They’ve destroyed our drinking water. They’ve destroyed hundreds of species of animals and insects. They’ve filled our oceans with plastic bottles and other garbage. They’ve destroyed our air by filling it with toxins and damaging the ozone layer. Now, they are doing crazy stuff to cool the planet. Human beings want to be like God so badly and always fall incredibly short. I’m so glad Father is in control and there is no god like Him!


A side note: This isn’t the first time they sprayed the sky. Here’s an article I found from 2018:

Yep…and they’ve been doing it a lot longer than that. :frowning: