Science changes their tune on space... Again.

Science continues to admit, their theories are just that, theories.

Yet, they’re certain God is not real.

Isn’t that something?

In the article below, they now think dark energy in space may not exist after all. Something they were pretty certain about. It all just seems so silly. While I love space and looking through telescopes, it makes no sense to justify some theory over the existence of our Creator.

That reminds me!

About a year or two back, when they looked through that new fancy space telescope. They looked to the “beginning of time,” the beginning of the “Bing Bang.” They expected to find few and small stars, instead, they found large, numerous stars and galaxies to boot. This proved, their theory of the Big Bang, doesn’t hold water.

But… They still won’t drop the theory. :man_facepalming:


I have always been a true science geek. Until the Lord landed me on Brandon’s site and i began to read many of his bible studies, i always struggled trying to make my logical scientist self and my spiritual self rationally coexist. Now i know God is true science. I watch a lot of science shows on TV such as "How the Universe Works " and i often have this strange feeling of our Heavenly Father laughing hysterically at some of the theories they concoct to try and explain the things they really dont understand. They go out of their way to find any outlandish explanation other than devine devine creation and control. They say the big bang was created from a infinitely small point in space with infinite matter, called a singularity, that expanded at a rate defying all the laws of physics. I also heard several of the cosmotologist say that anytime you hear a scientist use the term "infinite " ii is code for “we have no idea what it is/means”. Oh yes i forgot ancient aliens created mankind. If that were true, who created them. No one ever ponders that question. The only logical explanation in my mind and heart is God created the univers and the all the laws of physics (the ones we understand and the ones we haven’t even begun the discover yet or understand) to play out his symphony of creation.


Theory, thats exactly what it is. We can see with our eyes but who is the deciding factor as to what is real from God or deceptive from satan. The Bible is clear cut on what was created and where the stars rest. Ill trust the Bible, not what pseudoscience says.

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What a great point. No one ever talks about the waters above the firmament as gen 1 clearly states. But hey nasa says an astroid might hit earth lol lol lol. All fear tactics from Satan! End times deception! Do not be DECEIVED!

Genesis 1:6-9
[6]And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
[7]And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
[8]And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
[9]And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

Nasa never mentions this so they are of satan. :man_shrugging: