Satanic Temple Opens Abortion Clinic With Rituals

Full article at: Satanic Temple Opens Abortion Clinic With Rituals | World Events and the Bible

You won’t believe it. Then again, maybe you will. The Satanic Temple is now in the “healthcare” business. They recently opened an abortion clinic in New Mexico called, “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic.” No, this is not a joke. From there, you’re directed to their actual healthcare site. TST Health (The Satanic Temple Health),…

Wow…just wow. This is what makes life hard and continues to get harder year after year. Seeing so many of God’s children blatantly participate in this evil.

rest assured…satan cannot protect them from murder no matter how many chants they make.

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Thanks for the heads up. we are so surrounded by evil today, we need all the lookouts we can get.

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I always thought it was ironic for the atheists to spend so much time trying to denounce a God that they don’t even believe exists.


Excellent point Snowman!

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