Peter 5:8 and of course Mathew 24:24
Kay, if I watch that crap, it is only to see what the state of man is. we gotta know, can’t pretend it is not going on. I am guilty of retreating to my solitude in the woods and living in my selective world. watching old movies, listening to old music from a time that is familiar to us. My wife and I avoid going out, we have isolated ourselves from the outside world. No going out to eat, no going to a movie, no vacation in over 10 yrs. no place we would like to go. But I still stay informed through my adult children and grandkids. I guess I’m hoping for some ‘good’ news. I sometimes wonder if the world seemed foreign to my elders when they passed away before 1995 I’m sure it did.
My grandmother was born in a mud soddy in 1899. her mother was killed when a mule crushed her against an iron fence post running towards the barn when she was just 26 yrs old.
so that left my grandmother at age 10 to raise all of her 4 younger siblings. I never knew a more Godly woman. I sometimes think that God takes those people to keep them from more than they can bare. If things keep headed in the direction that they are, I don’t want to see it. I think a lot of old codgers like me feel that way. I look at death as my ticket outta here. it really is if you really think about it.
Im curious how other people over 65 think about it.
I agree Donna, I need to go paint or something . I’m even questioning why I’m reading anything to do with this.
I am girded up and ready to go.
Welcome aboard Barbara!
Honestly, but we know these evil beings are influencing young children. It’s time to turn off the boob-tube and spend quality time with our families.
Welcome aboard Tammy!
I’m guilty of that as well and it’s perfectly fine! My family rarely goes out to eat - we like to know what’s in our food. But we have also been that way since before my teen son was born - so it’s been a long time. We have never been ones to go out to public places - no interest in doing so.
We read headlines from various sources (and laugh most of the time) and occasionally look into them a bit further. Just like you said - to stay informed and watch what’s going on in the world.
Your grandmother sounds like she was one heck of a woman. My mom and grandparents had quite a hectic life as well. Wasn’t easy back then, but I sure would like to live in a world like that today! So many people don’t have a clue on how to fend for themselves. I mean really, if you think about it, why in hell did “America” feel like they had to feed the world. Maybe people should be growing their own foods and making their own clothes. But, that’s what we, as a people, wanted…convenience. Now we are all stuck in this pathetic system that so many think is just wonderful!
As for death, I look at it completely different today compared to how I used to. I’m not afraid to die and realistically, nobody should be. Isn’t that our purpose, to live our lives here in this world, spread the Truth, love one another, gird up with our spiritual armor and then return home to our heavenly Father? That is our purpose.
Php 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Welcome to the community Tammy, thanks for joining us!
Retreating from the world is ok but we must know the season we’re in! Please know this! Get Wisdom and Understanding! Please Study the Viles, Seals, and Trumpets! This will help you to know exactly where we are and when the Anti Christ will come to earth!
I love that scripture. I somehow missed that. I agree with your words. We can’t choose how we go but the best we can hope for [Kenny rogers ‘the gambler’] is to die in your sleep. How true is that? however it happens I just pray that God will strengthen my faith and I wont be afraid. Go out with a smile. That’s the way to go. I don’t want to be terrified. That’s what happens when we lose faith. None of us know how we will react when it’s our hour. Sorry about getting too heavy. But I’m approaching the age where death is something I think about often. I am not one of those people who think this society is wonderful. It’s more like a nightmare to me. later on!
Excuse me, but being in the late 60’s isn’t old! I don’t even think the 70’s is old anymore.
I think we all hope to die in our sleep - and you’re right, no one knows how they will react in that final hour. That’s why we need to keep practicing our faith in everything we do every single day. And no worries about getting too deep - I think more people should talk about stuff like this.
As for the scripture - I didn’t remember that one either, but came upon it last night when I was finishing up my study. I edited the my response to add it! God’s perfect timing again!
Thank you Brandon I’m grateful to be a part of your Bible Study
Agree! But I hope you didnt misunderstand, I’m not retreating from the world. I’m a home body that loves spending time with my family and friends. I’ve been this way since I settled down and got married decades ago. We travel to chase trains and go fishing, but other than that, we have no interest in other things. We are enjoying our life to the fullest with God by our side.
Moving away from the action is bliss. I’ll take the 10 acre farm any day. Peace, tranquility. Nothing better than sitting in the woods, listening to the bird’s chirp, the squirrels scatter, and the smells of nature.