Rejoice Always, Pray Without Ceasing, And Give Thanks

Full article at: Rejoice Always, Pray Without Ceasing, And Give Thanks | World Events and the Bible

Such simple words, but without focusing on God, we can lose sight of their meaning. Always rejoice in our blessings from God, and thank Him for them.


Not just tomorrow but everyday!
Thank you for all you do Brandon.
It is surely blessed from our Heavenly Father!


I can attest to keeping God on our mind continually will change a person’s life. When you start practicing your faith every single day and throughout the day, your life changes! And thanking God for all the blessings He gives us, even the ones we are unaware of!

God bless!! :sparkling_heart:

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As always you humble me in a beautiful way. Thank you!


What a wonderful world this would be if people could keep Jesus centered in their thoughts everyday. I wait for sure a day
Thank you for your insight aldo


Yes, I am waiting patiently for that day!

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