Prayer for my husband

Thank you from the bottom of heart ericka!! Just an update he had his first chemo session and he didn’t feel too bad he did feel fatigue and wanted to lay down but once he got up and started moving around he was feeling better. He started back in the gym he’s walking slow and doing light weights. Next session is 2/14. His doctor seem to very confident and says his tumor is small so hopefully this chemo will shrink it. I’ll keep you guys updated and thank you all for your prayers God is good! :heart:


My honor :hugs: Thank you for sharing good news :hugs: Thank you Lord in Jesus Christ Name Amen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:


Still praying for yall.


Yes, every day along with the rest on my list.


That sounds like some very good news. One step at a time. Thanks for the update and of course, continued prayers!! God bless!!


Happy Saturday family! I wanted to give an update on my husband’s treatments and to ask for continued prayers. The chemo symptoms get worse every time we go. He gets treatment every weds and It’s bad for a couple days after and he loses his appetite and gets extremely weak, I pray we aren’t doing this for nothing because it’s so hard to see someone you love go through this. I do my best to make him as comfortable as possible. My prayers and conversations with the Father is for my strength, I find myself crying a lot because I hate to see him suffer through this. Usually by Sunday he’s a little back to normal and wants to eat again but we have 4 more rounds of this left. I suggested to him to fast or sip on a broth I made him (pho) the day before treatment, and day of to help with the symptoms but his friend bought over jerk chicken while I was at work and he’s an island boy who loves his jerk chicken and it didn’t help at all, but he learned his lesson really quick lol. I’m so blessed to be apart of this church family and I know you guys are keeping us in your thoughts and prayers may our Father continue to bless you all :heart:


Will continue to mention y’all in our prayers. :pray:


He is on my list every day. :pray:


You both are in our prayers Anitra. I just shared your update with the family, thanks for letting us all know. I was wondering how things are going. :pray:t3:


Thank you for keeping us informed, got your back in prayers always in His Will in Jesus Christ name Amen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You guys are the best!!! I’m truly blessed …thank you all :heart:


Continued prayers Anitra for all of you. Thank you for the update. Just keep leaning on Jesus for comfort and guidance. Big hugs!!