Pope Francis' claim 'all religions are a path to God' rebuked by clergy


I wonder how many of the WEB faithful agree with that one?.. :thinking:


I had a catholic, ex FBI guy lay that on me years ago. He said there are many roads to heaven. I bought up the Christ equation saying the road has to go through Christ. I didn’t get much of an answer which led to the statement that Christ never condemned homosexuality.

He was firm in not Apostatizing his belief. I thought maybe he would offer me a book, “Mass for Dummies”, like the other woman I ran into on a service call. :man_facepalming:


Yes when you said he was fbi its already over. He’s very indoctrinated by satans gov. Cia fbi is trash are satans enforcers. Very sad


That’s where I pray that those that are indoctrinated will find TRUTH and accept Christ and keep His commandments. So many are brainwashed, priests, pastors, those in the government, healthcare and education and so many others. Truly sad.


I saw that news the other day and I pray that some will see this and break away and find TRUTH. I know many will not, but I believe some will.


The thing I don’t understand is they won’t even look at the other side. They don’t show any inquisitive thinking, which to me, is laziness.;
Even outside of scripture, if you want to continue learning and improve yourself, you have to want to venture outside of your knowledge and look around for better, more efficient, and cost-effective ways of doing things.
I would have read the Mass for Dummies book, just to see what they believe, but being told it was loaded with scripture, and it wasn’t, I didn’t bother. That would be like studying a math book without numbers.


I enjoy to learn both sides of all. Its funny when people challenge me because they don’t believe what i do. Then i know more about what they believe and they have no clue about thier side but they have time to watch netflix for 8 hours :man_shrugging:


so the cath pushed out some truth eons ago (they were used for that) even tho they became basically “humanistic” today. How to get along to live in satan’s ways.