Full article at: Our Children Are Being Destroyed | World Events and the Bible
You wouldn’t know it by turning on the television, but modern society is systematically destroying our children. Not to mention our once flourishing society. We are continually replacing our valued traditions with something dark and sinister, and this is having a grave impact on our children. How grave you ask… 30% of teenage girls “seriously…
I believe one of the common themes in how they are brainwashing our children is to separate the parents from the children. Our society has done this very well. School is the big one of course, but there are many others.
Mom’s used to stay home and take care of their children and maintain the household. Then came along the whole women’s movement. They made women think that staying home and raising a family was beneath them. Sad. There is nothing more fulfilling and more important than raising your children and maintaining a home.
Then we came up with “after school programs” not necessarily to benefit the kids (although that’s how they sold it), but to help the mom’s that were working outside the home. And let’s not forget the progression of kindergarten going from 1/2 days to full days, then K4…then K3! Of course you have daycare in all of this mess as well.
We can’t forget about sports! The schools used to have sporting programs where kids would have practice 1 or maybe 2 days a week and then play a game on the weekend. Now they have a whole enterprise going. Non-stop practices, costs thru the roof and traveling all over the place. Let’s not forget the whole “elite” programs out there that compete with the school sporting programs. They realized - hey, that’s a great way to make money! Lest we forget…as I’ve heard many mom’s say…I have to work so my kids can play sports!
All the while our children are being influenced with worldly things. Children do not have a solid foundation in God and His Word BEFORE heading out into this world. They are forced into it at an extremely young age…and then we are surprised?
Not to mention the amount of psychotropics some, not all, of these kids are on.
Suicidal tendencies as a side effect.
Absolutely! I had my son in K4 thru 1st grade at a Christian school. In K4, guess what…my son didn’t like to sit still. DAH! he’s 4 yrs old! The teacher suggested I get him checked out of A.D.D. THAT should have been when we woke up and pulled him from the school. Nothing better than experiencing this stuff in person. I believe God was tapping us on the shoulder…we finally listened after 1st grade - thank you Lord!
Like we say in Spain: olé, olé and olé!!!
I’m with you in this
Brandon told it:if you’re not of God, the devil moves in. There aren’t gray colors, it is so: you are of God, or you are of the devil. I wonder how much time rest until the coming of our Lord. I’ve grown patience but it’s hard. We have to defend our families in the name of The Lord. By the way I started without time limiting internet, it turned out bad. Now it is two hours on weekends.
Internet is a blessing if you’re of God, but if you’re a child helpless, or even one of our child, it could rip them.
Keep on fighting for The Lord brothers and sisters.
Sometimes I wish I could have been one of the soldiers of king David and living in that time. There was honor, respect, values. The world as it is right now is repugnant.
God bless,
I understand what you are saying, but remember, the most important part of being with God is He is seeing all that you do and that’s enough! And I bet you don’t even realize the people that do notice your Christian values.
Thank you Kay, your right. But at times the patience vanishes.
Thank you very much
Thank you for this. I needed some boldness and a reminder why my husband and I are doing what we are doing….
We don’t have internet.
We homeschool our 4 boys.
We have been told “we can’t shelter our kids or they’ll rebel”,….”we are too overprotective,”……”they need to get used to sleeping over the in law’s house” etc…. On and on.
We have the boys in baseball this year, and of course the other moms are “different” than me….they work, their kids all know each other too. And they think it’s “great” we are getting our boys some socialization. And how lucky I am to be able to stay home.
I just simply agreed. I should have been more bold. Not validating our choices but just standing up for our choices.
People don’t realize the sacrifices made to live on one income, and to teach from home. Its a lot of work. Amazing work, but it’s also hard at times. I look at the other children on their teams, and these young kids (mine are 4,5,7…the littlest is 1) talk about YouTube, some cuss, no manners or respect, poor concentration and listening. And the parents are off to the side talking about what they’re doing this weekend, cussing, not even paying attention to their kids. It’s really sad.
I have had to talk to family about why we want to spend time with our kids. Grandparents get mad at us because we don’t allow them to spend the night, (only a handful of times)…. We actually enjoy spending time with our kids. I really needed this Commentary today, thank you.
You are doing FANTASTIC! And oh boy, the things you stated above I can relate to 100%. My son never stayed over night at their grandparents and he’s 16 now. And guess what…I never stayed over night at my grandparents either! That is exactly what socialization teaches the kids and parents…“everyone stays overnight at the grandparents!”. My son actually attended a Christian school until 1st grade but thank God that we decided to pull him out. This socialization thing that everyone talks about…ask them to explain that a little further. Like so they can pick up the worldly habits of the other kids? So they can’t learn to be independent thinkers? Oh…I could go on and on - but I’ll stop now.
As for the internet, we allow our son to be on it and we don’t limit his time. He learns so much from youtube and even playing games. I’ve tracked his internet usage and he has never gone to bad sites or got into any of the gory games. I think when a child has a good foundation and knows God’s laws, they know what to stay away from. With that being said - I totally respect parents choices to keep them off or limit internet usage.
Keep doing what you are doing! You have the most important job in the world in my opinion!!
I am so glad that I do not have kids to raise in this day and time. It is such a wonderful feeling to encounter a young lady or young man theses days that is polite, well mannered and looks me in the eye while speaking. That can’t be ‘put on’ or faked. You know for sure that, 'that person came from a loving and caring family. Good Job Mom, Dad. It doesn’t take a village, It takes a dedicated Mom and Dad and a lot of love. Like a sign I saw 'when you leave things to chance, they don’t have a chance.
Meagan, very admirable to put your kids before your wants. I don’t know how mom’s do it. Just some food for
thought. My mom and Dad were idiots, horrible parents.
always put themselves before us. However it was old people who repaired most of the damage they done. My grand mother , the old folks next door, or down the street or sitting in the park on a bench. strangers, ‘that made the biggest impact on my life. Old folks always had a reassuring calm about them and never too busy to visit with me. I didn’t know at the time that they could see my loneliness and hunger for a friend and made a point to be my friend. Council me about life and spiritual matters. Spend hours talking to a little boy in cut off shorts, barefooted and needing a haircut, telling me the evils of lying, stealing and being dishonest. Always tell the truth son, no matter what.
respect, honesty and good character. If you don’t have that, you got nothing, be sure and never forget that son. And I never did, ‘God forbid’. ’ Old folks liked saying that’
They were people who had lived thru two world wars and the great depression. I feel very lucky to have known them. they saved my life. I watched as they began disappearing, so did honesty, goodness, kindness, decency,
common sense and common courtesies.
Wise words! I was lucky to have a hard working dad and mom that stayed home with us kids. That truly is a blessing. i’m sorry your parents were the way they were, but what a blessing you had to have God put those very wise people in your path as a young child. That older generation or people that have that wisdom are hard to come by for many - I believe that’s why so many of God’s children will not even have a chance in this earth age. It’s heartbreaking to watch, but with wisdom comes sorrow.
That happened to me, as well. My daughter was a finicky eater. I had a parent/teacher conference (3rd grade) and the teacher told me she was convinced my daughter had a learning disability and should be checked out by a doctor to see if medications can help. As a young mother, I agreed and took her to a doctor and told the doctor what the teacher told me. They put her on Ritalin.
What a nightmare that turned out to be. She was like a Zombie and stopped eating and started losing weight. As I observed this, I prayed to God for guidance and decided this drug was not helping at all. I went back to the doctor and told him, I want her off of this medication. I changed her diet, made her eat good clean food and a whole different child emerged.
About three months had passed and I went to a school open house and the teacher made a bee-line to me saying, I knew your daughter needed meds and see the improvement she has made in her grades. I looked at her and said it’s not the meds that help her, it was a life-style change with better food and supplements. She just stood there with her mouth wide open.
I thank God for opening my eyes some twenty years ago.
THAT is the best story I’ve read in a long time!! Good for you on asking God for guidance and making the choices you did. I’m an “older” mom - had my son at 43. (Even though the dr. at the time told me at my age I’m going to have a very hard time getting pregnant and to come back in 6 months and we can talk about ways he could help with fertilization…I went back to him 1 MONTH later and I was pregnant.
) Sorry for getting sidetracked…but being an older mom for me made a big difference I think. That Ritalin is an AWFUL drug! It has ruined many children’s lives. Makes my heart hurt. Praise God you asked for His guidance - you are one heck of a fantastic mom!!