Online information diminishing more every day

Online information is diminishing more every day. I’m experiencing this as I’m setting up a more comprehensive natural remedy pantry. The example above has lots of information, but the forum itself has been shut down.

I cannot stress this enough - it’s so important to learn the plants and their medical uses. Homesteading books are helpful as well.


I agree. Also there are way more paid advertisement options to choose from. Its worse form even a couple of months ago when trying to find a real life picture of a King Cobra, I wanted to make sure I was really looking at a real King Cobra. I was trying to draw/paint a digital logo for my hubby. It was not the first time looking for information on this snake and a bunch of other subjects at different times including trying to find real pictures of real life sceneries to use as my reference for other ideas for creating art and or to better educate myself n child with the all subjects of interest. Its a joke. The libraries don’t even allow you to get books they probably do have, but will not allow as an option cause it doesn’t align or support in someway with the current"be a pedo world"we live in.

My goal of trying to have books on deck like what your trying to do, has been a joke as well for me. The timing of having money and opportunity rarely line up. I get very overwhelmed with anger and feel defeated and then try to regroup and try again.

So true Kay.

There was a stink recently with one of the major social media outlets turning off old accounts. Which, was needed, but it does disrupt the chain of information. But hey, nothing lasts forever. We only think it does in the modern era, we’ve become so accustomed to information at our fingertips, but all this stuff costs money. Nothing is free in life.

Yet, World Events and the Bible has never and will never have a single ad.


Reader supported!

Love you folks. :+1:t3:


I haven’t noticed it in the libraries although I don’t really go to them often. I usually end up going to Abebooks or some other bookdealer online to get them cheaper.

Hang in there, I’ll be praying for things to line up for you.

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So grateful for this site sincerely! We love you and your family too!!!

Yeah I haven’t either’d bothered looking anymore at the library cause ours is a drag queen story time one, for a couple of years, on top of never having a book I want for me n my kid for the older versions of important info on gardening and other natural concepts in other subjects as well. Yes please and thank you for prayers and same on my end for you and your loved ones. :heart: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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