Anyone else see this…
It’s almost unfathomable that this is a thing at the moment. Will it last? Hopefully, in some form, the Bible should be taught. It is a historical document and the base of our Western culture, well, our former culture that is.
Anyone else see this…
It’s almost unfathomable that this is a thing at the moment. Will it last? Hopefully, in some form, the Bible should be taught. It is a historical document and the base of our Western culture, well, our former culture that is.
I saw it too and was shocked and happy at the same time.
One person being interviewed said it was a breach of the separation of church and state mandate. I believe this term has been distorted from its original implementation.
One should ask, why is it that the state gets involved when it comes to forcing the ideals of a heathen belief, ungodly, on its residence for not wanting to be a part of their beliefs by supporting them financially or by supplements?
Ridiculous, the Bible is the best history book available and has been around a lot longer than most history books. The citizens had no problem with the Bible being read in schools until politics got involved. The political arena found it was a great way to be noticed. It has nothing to do with separation of church and state . That is an an expression that is used for politicians to gain attention and a topic for abuse of citizens and their choices. If the Bible should not be read then take out all history books. Stop teaching about other nations and their history. The USA was a lot better place when the Bible was read. Look at us now. Besides the children don’t seem to mind. Leave politics out of it.