NRA membership plummets. Did you call it quits and why?

It looks like the NRA has lost 1.35 million members since 2018. They’re now down to 3.9 million. Lots of reasons. If you were a member, why did you call it quits?

Was never a member, though a gun owner.

I think it is like any other man-made group, it starts out with very good intensions but in the hands of man, it becomes corrupt, same as the church.


Yes, gotta be careful about “groupings” of man… there’s a lot of them. The smallest group of a family, to the largest group “the world”. Somewhere within the 4 basic elements (horns/power) minimally required to even classify a “group of man”, there will be flaws or fractures in one or more horns. It’s hard to feed a group via money, but sometimes just making a nominal statement supporting fundamentals helps counter an alternative.

I think a lot of people have weapons but are not in the NRA. Where I live, we can now own and carry concealed without a permit. We don’t ‘need’ the NRA right now. If we do in the future, then I’d guess memberships will go back up. I think my husband was a member for awhile - we have some NRA swag around the house somewhere. We just didn’t need the membership for the cost.

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