New Forum Categories!

Hey folks, we’ve added several new categories to the forum. Everything from what you enjoy doing at home to coming together as a community to help each other with our problems. I hope having more specific places to discuss these matters will help us all, and help to build what we have started here.

A big thank you goes out to @cozar, @kay, @snowflakes, and @yakityyak. Since they’re the big talkers, I discussed this with them before going live with it. Their input was extremely valuable, thanks so much guys for the help here.

New Categories

Each category has a short description that describes what posts we’re going to file there. Glance those over, if you’re still not sure which category your post belongs in, just post your discussion in the category that closely resembles it. It’ll be a learning experience, and we can dial things in with time. No harm.

Category Changes

One other bit, I’m changing some of the existing categories:

  • WEB Notes —becomes—> In The News
  • General Discussion —becomes—> The Lounge
  • Feedback —becomes—> Feedback & Announcements

So from now on, if there’s something in the news that spurs your interest and you want to share, you can post that under “In The News” category, and we’ll use “The Lounge” for any conversations that don’t fit into the other categories.

Hey, I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks so much.

Note: I’ll be moving some forum posts to their new homes over the coming days.


Thank you all so much, this is awesome! :hugs: :heart:


Big Talkers, I like frequent contributors better. :rofl: