My Thoughts On The Debate Debacle. Who Else Suffered Through It? + Internal Poll đź—ł

Holy smokes, where do I start?

The debate was a bomb to say the least.

For all the talk that Harris can’t talk without a teleprompter, I was left with the impression that’s not true. Now, don’t get me wrong, she bombed, Trump bombed, it was terrible. Yet, she could track her thoughts, even if they were phony fake.

Harris’ big econ package consists of giving first-time business owners $50,000 in free taxpayer money. Don’t worry, it’ll never be abused, like all the COVID money. Then, she wants to give first-time home buyers $25,000 in free taxpayer money for their home. Won’t that cause more inflation? Who cares! Then, she wants to give first-time parents $6,000 in taxpayer money to buy diapers.

I couldn’t believe it.

Sure, we all heard it before, but this time I got to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

My friends, that is socialism.

Trump didn’t go into specifics on the economy, only saying he’ll do what he did last time. That included increasing the national debt by 30%.

Overall, I think they both performed terribly. In my opinion, Trump had an opportunity to put the election in his hip pocket, but he couldn’t close the deal. He allowed Harris to bait him with ego questions, which he jumped on to cover for his person.

That was a BIG mistake.

You have to stick to the subject, and berating her and Joe Biden didn’t help his cause with Independent voters, who lean left.

When abortion came up, the correct way to handle the topic is to explain, the Constitution gives no rights to the Federal Government to institute any law such as abortion. It’s a states rights issue, and it should remain there. Further, destroying human life is not the answer, we were all babies once.

Instead, Trump focused on abortion after birth which is extremely rare. Then, Harris went rare, in saying how women who were raped or suffered from incest should have the right to abortion. Look, that’s the most overplayed argument, and the Dems are never called out on it!!! This was another failed opportunity by Trump.

Here’s the facts, brace yourself…

  • Rape accounts for just 1% of abortions.
  • Incest makes up less than 0.5% of abortions.

So why not mention it?

Maybe these people don’t even know.

From there, one of the worst mistakes all night, was when Trump said illegals are eating people’s cats and dogs. Wow! Sure, I saw a headline about it, but it would have never come out of my mouth on the debate stage. I cringed, my wife cringed, we all cringed, you cringed. It was terrible and made him sound like a nut.

Then, Trump admitted to saving ObamaCare, something no one likes.

Harris couldn’t stop playing up to the camera, with her fake emotional moments. I had to borrow @sNOwflakes barf bucket, I filled mine up. :nauseated_face:

In the end, both candidates said, if they’re not elected, then it’s the end of America.

What a great way to unite the country, huh?

That’s how I saw it, yes I have more notes, but now it’s time for me to turn it over to you. Maybe you saw it differently…

  • What did you think about the debate?
  • Who won the debate?

Ohh, and members only, but after watching it, who are you voting for?

  • Trump
  • Harris
  • No one
0 voters

P.S. I’m really voting for Jesus, but if I made that an option, we all would select it.


It was pretty terrible. It got to the point I couldn’t stand to listen to Trump talk, or even Harris.

Many times, he never answered the question and went back to the revolving door of himself. When the cat and dog situation was brought up, mine hid under the sofa. He acts like he is still on the Apprentice and can’t get out of his own way. How does firing most of your staff show you can work with others? I think he cut his own throat.

Harris was just another Santa Claus. Why give money to help start businesses when you allow them to leave the nation for cheap labor? Why can’t anyone say point blank that abortion is not birth control? How does eliminating abortion stop the other medical procedures for women?

If someone needs financial assistance from the government to buy diapers, then you cannot afford to raise a child, period. It is just like veterinary care, if you can’t provide it for your pets, don’t get one.
Why not lower the impact fees on new housing to make them more affordable to buyers?
The government always goes at the problem from the wrong end and creates more problems which in turn, gives them more recourse to continue from the wrong end. Throwing money at a problem never fixed anything. Tom Massie said it best.

It almost felt unhealthy to watch and listen. Before is started, you reminisce on the good day you had, you had peace etc.
During the event, you just changed inside, the tension would build up, (like when you see a tiger sneaking up on a baby antelope on the nature channel) you count the lies and fraud (like sheep trying to fall asleep) your stomach felt sour, almost upset. It is like your soul was being polluted. At least that is how I felt.

Oh, and taco’s hurl better than wings!


It was a sad comedy show! They made America look like a kindergarten class. Yeah I’m not voting this year.


Please vote. We got into this miss by keeping our mouths shut now is the time to get out and vote for Jesus. Stand up for what we believe. Lord come quickly.

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So which candidate is for Jesus? Cause i been voting since 2004 and nothing had changed its all down hill :man_shrugging:

I don’t see it as keeping our mouths shut it’s more of making a choice not to vote for evil or the lesser of the two evils. Evil is evil and neither are for Jesus Christ.


Here is my conclusion…that’s 90 minutes of my life I will never get back. What a circus! I will say that Harris did a good job at poking the bear and getting under his skin. He was irritated, borderline PO’d and it started to show. He is now the old, rambling man and not Biden.
Overall, it was a bad night for Trump and even a worse night for our country.

Well, I watched a VERY SMALL PORTION of the charade. I just couldn’t. What amazes me the most is how someone can watch this and not see it’s all play acting. Although, decades ago they were better at it. Then again…that is what’s supposed to happen - so be it. I’m not wasting any space in my mind with this garbage anymore. Sure…I’ll keep tabs on what is going on in the world, but that’s it.

I agree with all you said, but there is one thing that people need to realize about raising kids and having pets. You don’t need to buy disposable diapers. You don’t need to take your pets to the vet. It goes back to convenience and the desires of flesh man. But I do understand your point - the left is all for handouts. As for the right…they also want to keep you strapped to big corporations and big pharma for “convenience”.

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I would much rather watch a kindergarten class! :grinning: You would learn more.

I agree with all the comments here. Trump seemed like he wasn’t prepared, like he just showed up for a rally. Almost like he doesn’t care if he wins or not. Kamala had well prepared pre planned snippets without substance or word salad. In my mind I’m still voting for Trump for economic reasons. However, I vote in SC, my husband votes in TN, and we live in GA. Thus, it’s not worth me driving 4 1/2 hours to cast a ballot for him. At this point in my life, I just want to enjoy every day and not get sucked into the degenerative state of our country. Like it’s been pointed out on this website / it’s all in God’s plan.

I agree with your point as well. Some of it is just PR.
I know people who definitely needed to take their dog to the vet and didn’t because they couldn’t afford it. They fed them the cheap food, gave the dog health issues, same as us humans and then let them suffer over money. It breaks my heart to see this happen to animals.

Jesus is already our King…we already have chosen Him (if we John 3:16, anyway). But alas, we have to deal with earth while we are here. I plan to vote, and I will vote for the better rather than the worse.

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Trump should have squeezed in there “tampon tim” rather than that a variety of cultures eat all sorts of animals, esp if they are hungry (right, heck we have folks that eat swine as well). Why Tampon Tim? bc, that is at its root, sodomy grooming. I know, a little crude and I’m not going to spell it out any more than that. So even the young men participate…in young and old as the script says. This could have been with the HC socialism Kamala prays for…you know, everyone is “entitled” to medical. Well, bringing in the middle man (governing body/horn) helps no one in HC.

“ A nation of well informed people who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins” Benjamin Franklin
I have come to realize that what our current government is heading toward is socialism. We need to vote and if we don’t vote we need to accept the horrible outcome that will come. It will be our fault. Do your due diligence and be a watchmen. Vote accordingly
Personally I will vote for Trump.

Our Father in heaven has already told us it will be a horrible outcome but he will guide us and protect us through it. I have accepted Jesus and I have accepted the horrible outcome and I stand on not voting for evil which both candidates are. I don’t stand with man I stand with Jesus Christ.


I have to agree. We know the tribulation is coming, whether it is in our lifetime or not. The Lord is waiting for the iniquity to come to the full measure as He did with the Amorites, and the Israelites. They both got worse and worse. Hence captivity.
Christ tells the Jews, in His time, they were filling it up too. (Matthew 23:32)

The Lord waiting patiently for the Amorites to repent, 400 years +, (Genesis 15:16) then he threw them out and gave the land to the Israelites. Ezekiel 16 tells how he took Jebus, in the land of Canaan, cleaned it up and gave it to the Israelites.
They turned in back to Jebus. They were worse than a prostitute in that they didn’t have to do the whoredoms for money, they did it for the fun of it.
Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah could not change the outcome.

You could say He gave us this wilderness, back in the day, full of blessing, what are we doing with it? It is hard to imagine, today, we haven’t filled up the measure of iniquity by HIs standard.

Maybe tomorrow.

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I agree Patty, you should vote if you feel led too.

So far, only 23% of people are voting Trump on this thread. It’s telling. Every go round, the standards drop more and more, until, we end up where we are today. I still remember when people said our country was over when Obama got elected, but here we are.

You know, I remember the lockdowns very well, and I remember the massive increase in the national debt that led to inflation. I wish I could say, that voting for Trump would make our nation great, but it didn’t the last go round. Heck, we won’t buy a house right now, though we’d love to, all thanks to the inflation created by both of these presidents. They really did a number on us, and I can’t support that.

Nevertheless, everyone should do what they feel led to do. I applaud you and others for voting. :raised_hands: