My Mother Passed Away

My friends, thank you so much for all the prayers you left for us. I know they were heard and they were answered.

My family and I took an emergency plane flight to be by the bedside of my Mother and family. We cared for her, comforted her, and witnessed her leave this life to enter her new one with our Heavenly Father. It was tough to witness, but after many years of bad health conditions, I am glad she is home.

Thank you.


So sorry Brandon…you and your family are always in my prayers. No more pain and suffering for her :heart::heart:


Oh Brandon…it is so hard to say goodbye. It’s one heck of a journey and one you will never forget. I’m sure your presence was felt as you all there with her. But my new motto holds true - One of God’s greatest gifts is allowing us to return to Him! Praying for comfort for you and your family!! Big big hugs!!!


We’re so sorry to hear this. I’m glad she is not suffering anymore and she’s now home with the Lord. What a wonderful promise that is.

Please know that she is proud of you as a son, a husband, a father, and Christian leader. The ripple effect of her life goes through you and to all of us. :pray:


Prayers in agreement with our brothers n sisters for Lords Will to be done to comfort you n family always :hugs:


In this season of grief,
know that tears are natural,
but GOD is SUPERnatural.
In time, may He turn your weeping into joy.
Condolences to you and yours.


So sorry…Moms are special no matter how old we are. No more sorrow, no more pain. Love & hugs to you and your family.


Brandon, i am so sorry for the pain and sorrow you and your family are feelng now but i rejoice that your mother has taken her place at Christ’s feet and is now experiencing joy that we can’t even begin to conceptualize. Your brother in Christ, Steve.


Hey, thank you everyone for your kind words. Thanks so much.



Hi brother:
Philippians 1:23
For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better.
She has done it, she is home.
I would take this.
Blessings and hugs


1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath Prepared for them that love him.

May you take comfort in knowing the many blessings that your dear mother is experiencing right now.


:pray:Blessings of Comfort and Strength :pray:as your Mom transitions home to Our Heavenly Creator​:sparkles::revolving_hearts:


So sorry to hear Brandon and blessings to you and your family. You’ll see her again one day in paradise…


Brandon, I am so sorry to hear of you and your family’s loss.


Dear Brandon I am so sorry about your mon passing away, my deepest sympathies to you and your family. She is with our Lord and Savior Jesus, she surely is very happy to finally be in his bosom.

It is very hard to lose a member of our family and we never really get rid of the sadness that fills our heart, but as we know, the time to permanently leave this flesh body, has to come, even though we are never prepared to face it…may her memory and souvenirs be cherished by you daily as she will always be in your spirit alive and then one day, we all meet again to be together in a better kingdom, our Savior’s kingdom, his eternity where no tears, no hurt, no sufferings shall be known

May our Heavenly Father, God fill you with his peace, serenity grace, mercy and hope, keep you protected and blessed by his amazing love through these difficult times…love you Brandon :heart: :pray:


My condolences brother! :pray::point_up_2::facepunch::heart: