My Kitty Passed Away

Full article at: My Kitty Passed Away | World Events and the Bible

Every once in a while, a special critter comes along and steals your heart. Panther was that critter. I want to share her story, and our experience with you.


I’m sorry to hear this, Brandon. Pets are so precious. Losing them is devastating. My heart aches for you and your family. May Father heal and comfort you all in a way only He can. :hearts:


Thank you so much for sharing your panther’s life with us. i must of cried through the whole thing, but it was well worth it. it brings much joy to our lives in this day and age. there is a lot of love in the world, even though we can not always see it. thank you for sharing a heart felt life of a cat with us. God Bless.


That was quite a story and a nice way to say good bye to panther.Im sorry to hear of your loss.:disappointed:



I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious baby. The tears flowed the whole way through. It took me back to when my little one was attacked, and God blessed us with healing her. The time with them is short and it needs to cherished as you say.


There was no way to read this story without me getting all blubbery. We just lost one of our cats last month and it never gets any easier. We had this bad habit of fostering dogs and cats for local shelters and ending up keeping most of them. At one time we had 5 dogs, 3 cats, 3 large parrots, a bunny and two cocktails all in the house together. They are /were like our children. Now after many years we are down to one dog, two cats and the two large parrots. I believe God put the love of animals in our hearts with the intention of us caring for them. Through our many losses i can truly understand the loss your family felt. Give yourself and them all a hug from me.


So sorry to hear of your loss my friend. Those of us who have been readers of your site for while all knew Panther from your stories. She was brought to the Ward family for a reason and you all provided her a wonderful life. It’s hard to let go, but at some point it’s necessary. I had two cats for 13 years, now down to one. My Simon ran away last May. He showed up on a trail cam twice but never again since July. It was a very difficult time. I felt like I failed him. An animal expert was explained that some cats develop a wild gene and they just need to be free. That was Simon, he needed to be in nature. I pray he is ok and being provided for. I still put food out every night along with a trail cam.
His sister, Bindy, is total opposite. She loves indoors and the sunshine. She sleeps next to me every night.
Time heals all wounds and just know that Panther loves you all and you’ll see her again for sure.
My Bindy Boo right now as I write this,


well…you made me cry. For me, the greatest creature in creation is the kitties…I find them fascinating and perfect. So sorry for you loss.


Sorry for your loss Brandon. God is good and I bet ya your best friend is with Panther as I write this. Praying for your family


I am so sorry for the loss of Panther.
Pets are kids in fur coats. I lost two of my babies in December. And one in July. It breaks your heart. God puts them in your life and God takes care of them when they are gone. I had a cat that look just like Panther. She was the love of my life. :sparkling_heart:


I’m so sorry to hear about Panther. It’s just so hard when we lose our furry family members. What an awesome kitty.


Praying for you and your family Brandon. Unfortunately I’m not a pet owner but I’m a pet aunt and I know pets are like family. :heart:


Sorry Brother, I do know how it feels too well. Like you I didn’t think I could ever love a cat. we were a dog family. My wife despised cats as well. But we got older and the kids were all gone. We moved to the country and built a barn house 1/2 shop and half living quarters. Before long we were getting over run by Mice. I told my son that I needed a barn cat.
One day shortly after my son found a small kitten on a jobsite during a cold and rainy day, it was injured and infested with fleas. My son scooped it up and tossed it in my pick up saying 'you said you needed a barn cat. I always carry a few cans of sardines with me not knowing when I’ll get caught out. I fed the kitten a can of sardines and after it had eaten curled up on the center arm rest and went to sleep. It never moved all the way home [30 mi] I thought my wife would be mad at me for bringing him home, but she wasn’t. Long story short after 60 days we were mouse free. That guaranteed Tom Tom a good home. We lost him to kidney failure just 7 yrs later. [5] months ago. Many times people would comment on how gentle and friendly he was for a large Tom. We had two weenie dogs for twenty years before they passed and mourned them for over a year. I still think of them often. I’ve often wondered if animals are a gift to us from God. They give us joy and their loyalty inspires us. Like Panther, I wasn’t out looking for a kitten, Tommy just happened along. One of a kind. Whatever we did for him, he paid us back seven fold. My sincere condolences


I’m so very sorry about Panther. I’ve always thought we don’t deserve animals with their unconditional love. I believe they are in their spiritual bodies and we will see them again.


That kitty sure gave us lots of laughs and joy and happiness. Thank you God for sharing her with us. It broke my heart too seeing our kids hurting… I think it is their first time experiencing a broken heart. :sob: She will always forever be remembered :heart: Thanks everyone for all the kind words. I’m sure it was not easy for Brandon to write this…kinda like reliving it


Hi Bran, I’m sorry for the lost, it was a gift from The Lord. The history was amazing and I felt the love and happiness you and your family felt all this years. Death always comes. But it was a great ride till the last minute.
Thank you very much to share it with us.
By chance I’m in the same position as you. Fourteen years ago our dog came to us from The Lord. He now is deaf and blind. Her nose still works and it’s our vacuum cleaner, enjoying every crumb that falls. It’s name is Odin. It’s the most special pet we’ve ever met. He always rest at my side, always worried about protecting the family. An awesome creature. The day of his death it’s at hand. But it has been a great amazing ride all the way till the end.
I feel for you and your family.
All my best wishes from here brother.


Oh @brandon, @Maggie and all your kids…I am so very sorry to read this. And Brandon, I pray that in some way, writing all of that, as hard as it had to have been, helped in some way to get through the loss of Panther. What an amazing life you all made for that kitty and what an amazing blessing it was for all of you.

When I saw your post, my husband was home and I started reading it out loud to him. I had to take a number of pauses because I couldnt get the words out. I had told him about Panther way back when I found out that you had a cat…which amazed me because you all were living in an RV. That just blew me away! Panther loved all of you so much. She was a true gift from God for all of you.

And Maggie, seeing your children’s broken hearts can be as hard as it was losing your kitty. Just so heartbreaking all the way around.

You will all be in my prayers for healing and comfort from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Big big BIG hugs from my family to yours.


I still pray for your Simon. And I agree with the person that told you about some cats just needing to be out in nature. I truly believe that. :heart:


Brandon I’m sorry to read this. We come to love them so very much.