My Best Friend Passed Away

Full article at: My Best Friend Passed Away | World Events and the Bible

I never thought I would pen this letter. Just four short months ago, my best friend passed away. He was more than a friend, he was family. I’ll never forget that evening. As we climbed into bed, I had several missed calls from my friend, plus a text message. It read, “Please call ***** or…


If we have taken up the cross of Christ we stand before the devil (even if he is not here on earth) and his minions each and every day. To “me” we can be prepared for what’s coming even if it doesn’t happen while we are still walking this earth because being prepared doesn’t mean I’m not going to rejoice in the day that the Lord has made.


I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers :pray: for comfort.


What a wonderful tribute to your great friend. I have heard you mention him over the years. And what a life lesson. Thank you for sharing Brandon.

Our Heavenly Father is showing Himself to us this morning as the sun rises in Montana. Just beautiful. Enjoy the day.


I feel for you Bran, brother.
I know one who feels the same. He even told me antichrist is coming 2024 to 2027.
I feel it is not too far, but try to live as The Bible says. Now I’m sharing the Saturday with my dad, which is stricken with Parkinson and I’m happy.
With esteem.


Thank you for your words Roman. They are very comforting, kind and true.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend, it’s never easy. I do love that you brought up Ecclesiastes, that book is one of my favorites as it helped me so process the loss of my dad and put everything into perspective, especially life itself here on earth.

You mentioned about it being just a coincidence and you concluded that that is all it was. I may have misunderstood what you said, but I don’t believe in “coincidences”. Everything happens for a reason. You and he both learned a lot from each other. :sparkling_heart:

I am curious about this:

Then, last year with the release of my letter, our beliefs began to veer from where they once were.

Was that a letter you posted? If so, I would love to see it. I tried to search for it, but didn’t find it.

One other thing to consider. You mentioned he was a hard core prepper. I have friends that are also “over the top” in my eyes and I pray that they can calm their minds and enjoy life. But as I read your post I thought, maybe that’s what they loved to do. It gave me a new perspective. Heck, we all have our own journeys. I do totally get what your saying though and it’s worth putting that out there to help people re-evaluate what they are doing in life and if they really enjoy what they are doing.

Lastly, I want to thank you for this post. It’s hard to publish your personal life, but like you said, if it’s something we can all learn from, it worth it!


@Martha, @Rodrigo_Javier, @Rollinon thank you, and @thewalker welcome to the forum.

I updated the post with a link, it’s the only link titled, “my letter”.

I agree with what you said. However, there is a much deeper meaning involved here. Some will get the message, some will not, and I will leave it at that.

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with prepping. We even prepped. It becomes a problem when it’s all you think about, when the doom and gloom consume you, and everything else I described in the post. It robs you of life itself.

Thanks for the kind words and the added insight Kay.


Thank you Brandon for your courage to share the story of your relationship with your friend. It truely touched my heart. I’m very sorry for your loss.


I agree, we all need to be prepping - physically and mentally. And I wholeheartedly agree with being consumed with doom and gloom. It’s like letting the devil deprive you of the happiness and joy in life!

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thanks for sharing, and I’m sorry for your loss. and yes, none of us know whether we will be here to face-off satan (with Father speaking through).

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Prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

I understand what you are talking about, believe me, it is hard to break through to some people. All we can do is ask God to guide us and give us the wisdom and knowledge to do His will.

The flesh is weak, and we all fall short, and sometimes, it is hard to not be impulsive to get prepared. I have had to stop myself, at times, for obsessing to stock up for the winter–many long hours canning and preparing until I am ready to fall over.

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Yvonne, thanks so much for the note, I really appreciate it, and welcome to the forum.

May the good Lord bring you and your family peace knowing that when you see your friend next you will never say goodbye again :two_hearts::pray:t3:


Sorry for your loss, brother. Randy was a part of your life for a reason and a season. He is now home with the Lord and doing just fine. You still need to mourn and in time you will be left with the great memories.


Kay, I was going to respond to Brandon, but you had already said everything that I was thinking. Each and everyone of us are unique and because of that each and every person has a unique perspective on life, death, God, and eternity. After all, 'God is everything to all people, When Jesus spoke, every listener heard his words in their native tongue. Every listener perceived his words differently and according to their own life experience. No doubt that some people have a much deeper understanding of God’s word than others. It’s a gift, same as a great composer of music. Great writers, great artist’s and designers of magnificent structures. Then there are those people whose talents are obscure , there is something about them that makes them very pleasing to be around and that something can not be defined. ‘Randy’ sounds like a very interesting person and a very deep thinker who’s perception of the world around him was very real in his mind and probably not understood by most. Everyone thought Noah was insane.

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Yes! That uniqueness that every soul has is what it’s all about! And our experiences as we go through life changes a lot. Heck, I can read a chapter in the bible one day and the next time I read it, it brings a whole new light! I think that’s one of the most amazing things when reading and studying the bible. I also think that’s where a lot of people get hung up with discussing scripture. We are all on our own individual, “unique” journey and if we keep God our Lord and Savior close He will help us stay on the right path.

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Amen to that! If you ask any four people to give account of an event, all four will differ. Same as Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Basically the same, but different. Same goes with preparation.
everyone does it in one way or another. Tornado shelters, back up generators, security camera’s, burglar alarms, rainy day funds, spare car etc. Anyone who is paying attention knows that we are living in very unstable times. Most can’t imagine not being able to buy food in America, Or don’t want to think about hard times, after all this is the land of plenty.
I heard it said once, trust in God, but tie your camel up or it will wander off. The message in that is 'use the good common sense the Lord gave you. Nobody keeps a firearm and just ‘1’