Merry Christmas! - 2024

Full article at: Merry Christmas! - 2024 | World Events and the Bible

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a fantastic day. I hope you get to enjoy some time with your family and friends, while remembering what Christmas is all about… It’s about Jesus Christ. As Mom always said, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” You know, sometimes we lose sight of that, with the…


I wish all the same to you and your family!


Amen!!! Merry Christmas to everyone… Christmas this year is very different for me but knowing why we celebrate this holiday keeps me strong and in great spirits. Love you all :heart:


Merry Christmas to all my brothers and sisters in Christ! Sending prayers for blessings to all!


Merry CHRISTmass to you too. Here’s a nice tune for the war:


My heart is filled with joy. I imagine being one of those shepherds watching in the night… What a joy!!
The greatest gift of mankind history.
Let’s honor Him today remembering what He did on the cross.
But really I eager await the arrival of The Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Merry Christmas sisters and brothers!


Merry Christmas everyone!!


Merry Christmas WEB Family!


Merry Christmas everyone. May next year be filled with the Lord in the center of our lives.


Love you all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs: Merry Christmas n Happy New Year In Jesus Christ Name Amen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


We saw something posted online about the conception of Jesus that is, to saw the least, disgusting. I heard of this statement years ago and apparently it is coming around again.

The poster claimed that Mary did not have the choice to be the virgin mother of Christ, and that God raped her.

We know this is not so by Luke 1:38.
Luke 1:38 - And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

We know the Holy Spirit of God was imparted to Christ. Matthew 3:16. We also know the Holy Spirit visited Mary. Matthew 1:35.

In the gospels, the Pharisees claimed that Christ did some of His miracles by Beelzebub, the prince of the demonic spirits. Insinuating that Christ was demon possessed and confederate with him. This would not only be defaming Christ, but also the Spirit.

One of Christ’s answers was not to blasphemy the Holy Spirit, it was unforgivable. We know this can apply to other areas as well.

Wouldn’t this statement about Mary be close or in the same ballpark as the unpardonable sin?

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Of course this is shear evil and blasphemy. But whomever has published or believes this garbage could be forgiven by accepting Christ and repenting for their sins .

I have always believed that the unpardonable sin could only happen at one time. That time is when the Saints are delivered up to the Antichrist and do not allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them.

I think there’s only one unforgivable sin dear Snowflakes. It fills me up with wrath reading this. But what The Word sais is this, that the infinite longsuffering and mercy of The Lord forgives almost everything to a repentive heart. In the name of His son, Jesus, of course

For everyone’s reading pleasure!

Christ made it clear that we should focus on the significance of His death rather than His birth. It has now been established and agreed upon by most that He was born on September 11, 3 B.C sometime between 6:18pm and 7:39pm. This date and time correspond perfectly to Tishri 1 which is the first day of the festival The Feast of Trumpets. And isn’t it just like God to have Christ arrive among us on the Feast of Trumpets which is one of HIS appointed times? Nevertheless, Christ knew that Satan would manipulate the world into placing importance on the pagan holiday date of 25 December, which Emperor Constantine was known to honor when he celebrated the birth of Mithras the sun god during the winter solstice. Though this is a blatant manipulation designed by Satan to steer Christians in the wrong direction, most Christians follow this tradition out of ignorance. They conveniently ignore the fact that Christ followed God’s true appointed times such as Passover to the letter, even DYING as the sacrificial Lamb on Passover (not Easter). The scriptures even clearly say that God’s appointed times will be reestablished after Christ’s return and the entire world will honor them, yet Christians all over the world stick to the traditions started by the very people who crucified Christ. How much sense does that make? Sadly, I have learned over the years that Christianity and common sense don’t mix well.

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