Let's talk about the Olympic transgender boxer...

I saw it, you saw it, we all saw it…

  • What do you think about the man who hit the female boxer so hard, she quit after 45 seconds?
  • What do your family and friends think?

By the way, the man was barred from a match in the past due to having “male” chromosomes. Thanks NBC! :rofl: You don’t just have um, you’re born that way, like it or not.

For the record, Rowling would be a lefty.


Wait till they infiltrate the woman swimming, which is more popular. Or the gymnastics.

If all those who are against it would boycott the competitions, it would end instantly.

We have the Paralympics for the disabled which is great.

Why don’t the DEI people sponsor the Alphabet Olympics, all the freaks and morons can compete no matter what you wear or have tucked away. Instead of metals you can win eye liner, glitter and sparkles.


Then it could be called the Laugh Olympics like the cartoon.

I guess domestic violence is a sport now.

Yea really.

Where are all the woman today? Why aren’t they standing up against this nonsense. Especially the feminists. Everyone is so afraid of the cancel culture still going on. They lefties started it and now they have to keep their mouth shut because it will turn on them.

An absolute disgrace but all the comments have me crying with laughter!!!

Disgraceful but not surprising in this day and age.

Too soon?

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Right on time Ken :joy::joy:

They have been going down hill for the last decade at the least. I haven’t watched or supported them in any way shape or form. We also quit watching the Packers…and we were die hard Packer fans. It’s all about the money…and its not even for the athletes either. Sick sad all the way around!

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Now she wants to apologise.

Gender is based on the passpost??

How about some low blows to the grape nuts and see if the passport is correct.

opps, I commented my thoughts on that on the other post. briefly…psychopath—a perfect example. brute beast imitator

Snowflakes, you nailed it and I couldn’t agree more! So unfair to women who have trained all their lives to have their dreams shattered by some dude being a hero beating up a woman. Wasn’t that physical abuse not long ago? Yup, they should have their own division apart from the olympics.


she looks like a man, but the news is stating she was born a woman and identifies as a woman. The father showed a birth certificate showing born female. You can change your gender on a passport but not on a birth certificate.

I heard that she was born female too. My only question is why would it matter what the level of testosterone is in her body to qualify? If she truly is a female, she is what she is.

I’m not sold, and I don’t want a picture either.