Jesus Gives Us Peace, Unlike The World

Full article at: Jesus Gives Us Peace, Unlike The World | World Events and the Bible

The words of Jesus bring peace and comfort to our souls. On the other hand, the world does a marvelous job talking about peace. Yet, it never seems to materialize.


Beautiful words, I walk continually thinking about The Lord. He helps me all the way. Life is a struggle. God comforts. He gives me the strength that I don’t have. He helps me to wake up everyday, even if I didn’t sleep a minute.
All hail The Lord


Brandon, I have been up since 5 am or so. Once up with the children I have hit so many obstacles,“its been a day” so they say and its only 11:43 AM. I read this and it helped so much. I got word this week, my brother may have throat cancer. His name is James if you could pray for him please. Even just for a moment. All my gratefullness to you always.


Prayers sent Jdd123.


I think Paul said it best to those who were in disbelief. I Corinthians 15:32.

What is the point of all this nonsense, if in the end, it is over. We would be no more than rats in an experiment.


Prayers sent up for your brother James. :pray:t3:

Jackie, you got this.


I’m so so sorry. You all will be in my prayers. Most importantly, I will be praying that everyone keeps God in the equation when making decisions on how to proceed. Pray to God for guidance. God bless!!


Prayers for both of you!!


Your timing with this post was absolutely perfect. I just met a fb friend of a friend that is having an awful time finding peace after the passing of her son last July. Then your post popped up and I knew immediately I had to share it. Praying that she recieves this message and can take it all to heart.

And I thank the Lord that I am able to find peace with this crazy world. Praise God!


Seems the times we are living in are truly changing. We need our savior more than anything now! I also am having difficulty just imagining the death of my family members. I ask God for strength and to keep me close to him so I can be spiritully with my loves and God when the time occurs. The problem is salvation for most. I lost a sister many years ago and my mother never got over her loss. God help us all and God bless you.xo


Prayer sent for James.


@Jdd123 I am sure you already know this, but sometimes I think we all need reminders. As hard as it is to lose someone you love there is one main thing we need to remember - this flesh life is only a spec in time compared to eternity. That’s hard to wrap you head around sometimes. This entire flesh life that we have - it’s all vanity. Yes, we are all here for a reason and each and every one of us has a special purpose, but looking around in this world and seeing all the evil, I actually believe it’s a blessing to leave this flesh age. It’s hard for those left behind, but that is where we practice our faith in God. Giving it ALL to Him. Can I do that all the time? Heck no, sometimes I fail miserably - but that doesn’t stop me from trying again…just keep practicing.

This is a hard one for many people, and I get that. Think about it this way. We only know what we perceive in our mind. Imagine God, knowing everything about a person…I don’t think us in the flesh could even handle that! Now when someone dies, do we really know where their heart is? Maybe they were not that great of a person in what we saw, but…what if that person repented right before he/she died? Maybe God was using that person to accomplish His will. We don’t know, but God does. And we need to trust God, right? Heck, maybe God needed this person to do something specific in the Millennium?

A lot of these thoughts came upon me after I lost my dad. It was life changing…and not for the bad, but for the good! Yes I miss him sooo much and would love to chat with him…but man, he is in the best place EVER! And I grew spiritually - literally leaps and bounds, after his passing.

Well, I hope that helped at least someone! I’m all teary now. God bless everyone!



I felt the same way when I became an official orphan. It really makes you look back at the times well spent with gratitude and the other times with regret. Getting older makes this more real.

Knowing where they are is a blessing and sometimes an envy. On the other hand, it can make someone a bit sad to know all the things loved in this flesh age will be over since we can’t imagine what the next age will be like.

One can mentally bounce back and forth thinking how it will be depending on who goes first. Is it easier to go first knowing who you left behind, or is it easier to go last knowing where they are?
I even think about that with my fur babies. They would miss me terribly, they sit on a chair waiting for me to get home, but I would be heartbroken not to have them here. I pray we can all be together later, not just for me but everyone.


Thinking of You :hugs: Hope everyone is keeping strong :hugs: Prayers n Love sent always :heart:

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Funny how that works often times. When we get older seems like our pets are our only close friends. They know if we are upset or happy, or ill. And we know the same about them. If they don’t get excited when we come in, 'somethings wrong.
How ever much you love them , their love and loyalty is seven fold in return.