It's Death or Deal for Iran...

We always watch this one closely due to the prophecy in the Book of Daniel.

This could be more art of the deal rhetoric, or legitimate. We know using force against Iran has been in the works for decades. Nevertheless, you can’t threaten someone with death or your deal, and expect them to negotiate. Everyone has some form of self respect.

What’s this all about?

Recently, the U.S. President said,

"There are two ways Iran can be handled, militarily or you make a deal. I would prefer to make a deal. I would rather negotiate a deal. I’m not sure that everybody agrees with me, but we can make a deal that would be just as good as if you won militarily.

But the time is happening now, the time is coming up. Something is going to happen one way or the other. I hope that Iran, and I’ve written them a letter, saying I hope you’re going to negotiate because if we have to go in militarily it’s going to be a terrible thing for them."

Iran’s “Supreme” Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused Washington of seeking even greater restrictions than in previous negotiations saying,

“Some bully governments insist on negotiations. But their negotiations are not aimed at solving issues, but to dominate and impose their own expectations.”

“For them, negotiation is a means to introduce new demands. The issue is not just about nuclear matters, they raise new expectations that Iran will certainly not accept.”

“They demand restrictions on the country’s defensive capabilities and international influence, saying: ‘don’t do this, don’t meet that person, don’t produce that item’ or ‘your missile range should not exceed a certain limit.'”

  • What do you think folks?
  • Where is this going?

Well I think we are watching a great movie. I think Iran is in big trouble. I also think we should mind our own business as Tucker Carlson has recently stated. What has Iran done to us? I have many many opinions, but they are just that, my opinions. I am focused mostly on my little world I reside in. I tune in to see what is going on but I realize that a digital world has almost surrounded us and so I try to enjoy God’s beauty as much as possible.

God Bless,



It would be so much easier to comment on this IF i felt confident that i had a trustworthy understanding of each parties position. Based on the information i have heard for years now, it would be very bad for Iran to get a nuclear weapons capability. I prefer no one had nuclear weapons especially people who dont fear global nuclear war. I almost wish all wars today had to be fought up close and personal (i.e. hand to hand) where you had to look at your opponents in the eye. We have made killing more like a video game these days and i think its just too easy to press a button without really seeing/understanding the reality of theiractions. I wish all countries/people’s and regions would mind their own business so to speak. I realize this will never happen but i csn hope anyway. The Father’s plan will be fulfilled no matter what how much we idiot humans think we are in control. I does seem like all this is not going to end well for Iran and ultimately the rest of the world.

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