Israeli rabbi: ‘Whole country ours, including Gaza, Lebanon’ + Israeli nukes

Israeli Nukes

I’m sure we all heard it, an Israeli Minister suggested using nuclear weapons against Gaza.

This is interesting via two aspects.

  1. As a government official, he admitted Israel has nuclear weapons.
  2. Israel may have discussed this internally for him to make such a statement.

Israeli Minister Eliyahu was asked if nuclear weapons in Gaza is an option to remove Hamas to which he said,

“This is one of the possibilities"

The right-wing Israeli politician added later in the interview that "there’s no such thing as innocents in Gaza. - Sky News


To which the Israeli PM said,

He didn’t deny they had nukes.

Moreover, Eliyahu was suspended, but he’ll be back in power soon enough.


Perhaps, that slipup isn’t as alarming as this admission…

Israeli rabbi, we’re taking it all

A Jewish rabbi speaking to Israeli troops said,

that “the whole country” is “ours,” adding that he means “all of it … including Gaza, including Lebanon!

“The entire promised land!” he says. "We’re returning to it big time! Gush Katif” – the former Jewish settlement bloc in Gaza evacuated in the 2005 disengagement – will be tiny compared to what we’ll achieve with God’s help!” - Haaretz

Such statements indicate, Israel will march on the entire Middle East.

Of course, the Israeli Army said, Friendman’s comments don’t align with its values.

Sorry, not buying it.

No one allows someone to speak at their venue without knowing the subject ahead of time.

So, you are thinking of using Nukes in Gaza which at the widest is a little over 7 miles, The narrowest, 3.5 miles. Good luck with that.