Israel to attack Iran before Nov 5 elections

It’s official…

An attack on Iran before the elections. The U.S. just landed in Israel to set up the THAAD missile system in advance. Ohh, and Israel isn’t going to hit nukes or oil sites according to reports.

Isn’t this wild?

Everything so choreographed and publically stated beforehand.

Or are the details a diversion…

That right there! Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. Just like so many other things in this flesh world.

The U.S. administration is particularly concerned about an Israeli response that will cause prices to rise in the global energy market on the eve of the US presidential elections.”

This tells us what the Biden/Harris administration is really concerned about. I guess it’s OK to expand the war after Jan. 5th; just don’t do it before because it could jeopardize our chance at getting re-elected!