Iran president dead in helicopter crash...

Holy smokes!!!

Iran’s President Raisi and foreign minister die in a helicopter crash. This is not good at all. Israel is saying, “It wasn’t us.” Folks, that right there tells me, it very well could be them. Why? Israel usually never confirms or denies anything like this. So why come out now?

If foul play is found, watch out…

Now there are coincidences, but this seems to be too much of one. Right after all the drama we had a few weeks back…

Talmudic Jews lying??? :thinking:

No way!!! :face_vomiting:

I’m bringing in my tomato plants just the same… :innocent:

It could just as well be the US that did it. All I know is that all of this is just one big web of lies created by satan - one big snare that is catching many souls.

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To tie into my article today, about being used…

I found this from the Iranian media.

Western media paints the picture that Iranians are happy their president died and he won’t be missed. However, that’s not the truth at all. The point of that sentiment, was for you to not lose a tear over Iran’s dead leader. To cement the idea, they’re the boogieman.


Here’s the dudes funeral…




I think you get the idea…

I have known for a long time, that the US always lies about Iran, no matter what it is. and to add to this is, we would never have a funeral for one of our presidents, like this! also like iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

Can anyone say Big Satan!