Im not good I need prayers very much so.

Please pray for my daughters n I. Please and thank you so much. I am just super trapped and i know without a shadow of a doubt that i am not crazy, but i have absolutely nothing financially to help me better defend myself n youngest daughter if i were to go to family court. Super depressed.


Prayers said for you.


Prayers sent Ericka.


Ericka, this life is hard as you know but if there is anything that I can do to help you in addition to prayers please let me know. Hang in there God is in control. :heart:


Tough situation Ericka, but God will see you through. Prayers sent up.

Jas 5:11 (esv) Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.

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So sorry you are going through this :I will pray for you. Big hugs!


Praying for you @Ericka777 and your daughters. Slow your mind down by giving it over to God and trust in Him. God bless!!


Thank you all for supoort n helping me to stay the course, i cant wimp out now, thank you for allowing me to feel safe to reach out here, very encouraging thank you, prayers for us all , according to His Will in Jesus Christ name amen !


Thank you all for your time n prayers I appreciate you all very much!


Prayers sent and may God bless you and your daughters as you continue to trust Him.


Praying for you and your family.


B4 God’s eyes there are no impossibilities, hence the Almighty will provide as we intercede for you and your beloved daughter. Be thou faithful and He shall operate wonders as He did to the widow in time of prophet Elijah. God bless you, be filled with cheers, enshrouded with heavenly peace and angelic splendour.


Thank you all for making sure I stick to the Lord no matter the mood n struggles. I do need to study more and i need to better concentrate on Him. I know i am not the first or last person to be in my situation. May God give me the strength in my mind n body to accomplish new goals despite fears and despite all the loss of time and coping with letting go of someone who had used me and off and on since 1996 and especially consistently for the past 13 years we were together, and was truly incapable of love n compassion empathy and loyalty , compromise or accountability and much more. Its devastating and starting over with nothing and having to surrender n accomodate to that wicked person in order to better provide for my youngest daughter. There are still many many many things to be greatful for despite these facts mentioned above. It blows my mind how Our Father works in our lives. I know i cannot give up. Love you all very much. I hope you are all doing your best to overcome your obstacles mentally,spirituality, and physically :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs: May Lord keep you all and all your loved ones always n forever, in Jesus Christ Name Amen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:

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Thank you so much for the update. I must say I believe more times than not, removing someone from you life that does you no good is a blessing from God. One thing for sure, in all your decisions, ask God for guidance. I think many times when people are in the midst of hard conversations they forget to pause and ask God for help - I know this is one thing that I have been working on…so many times I forget and things come out of my mouth that shouldn’t. Not necessarily bad things, but things that don’t need to be said. (I have a habit of saying too much sometimes, if that makes sense.)

You and your girls will be in my prayers, along with everyone else in this situation so that you can be comforted and blessed and find a way to make it through. Keep God close. Hugs!!


I understand what you mean. I appreciate what you’re saying. I definitely have a hard time in certain moments of overwhelming emotions and panic, say too much n then feel guilty and stupid or vulnerable, for those actions on top of it all, instead of going straight to the Lord to allow some comfort from His Word and other times i can go to the Lord before the mind spirals, or its a combo or other Thank you Kay so much :hugs: Please feel comfy keeping it 100 with me. Even if you think i could take it wrong. I need truth. :hugs:


Well, as I read your update my mind starting thinking about conversations I have with my son…so thats how my mind got there! So I guess typing that was for both of our sakes! And I can totally relate to the combos!!! :rofl:

Prayers said for you :heart:


Thinking of all of you…praying for all of you :heart: :heart: :heartpulse: :yellow_heart: :blue_heart: :two_hearts: :heart: