If The Jews Are God's Chosen People, What Are You Worried About?

Amen, Brandon! There’s nothing more that can be said.

1948 “Israel” is NOT the Israel of the Bible! You must get that fact understood & accepted. Then perhaps you will then learn Biblical Israel is today found in Christendom.


There are 2 things you can’t question, one is the above, the other is a hard core liberal.

Hard core liberals, far right nationalists, and all in between. God gave us one job: To love one another. Humanity, combined with sin is the problem, not just one particular group.

Boy did you ever get that right. i know there are non zionist jews living in isreal and they are treated badly. As far as i can figure, the exile of the jews is not over yet, they should still be in exile.

I never saw them mentioned there. Thanks for the info.

Welcome aboard Lou!
Glad ya found the site.

Thank you. Glad to be here.

Under the table of nations 1 Chronicles 1 and Genesis 10 Ashkenaz is listed under Gomer, who was descended from Japheth (European Gentile). They are not related to Shem (semitic) in any way, shape, or form which means they are not related to Abraham at all. However, the world has been made to believe otherwise. It is all in plain sight, but as we know, misinformation is always slow to fix.


John 4:22
And every nation against, will be cursed.

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I agree that ‘Israel’ when spoken of in the bible, they are not speaking of a geographic location, but a people and in a spiritual sense.

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Right, and if you are a follower of the Talmud, you are not in the spiritual Israel, Abraham’s seed.


I would have to agree with that. Same difference between self proclaimed Christians and those who truly believe in an accept Jesus Christ.

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Welcome aboard Kendra.

I would also like to put these passages up:

Romans 2:11 KJV

“For there is no respect of persons with God.”

Acts 10:34 KJV

“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:”


Brandon… wow… you have opened my mind to this subject. I think you nailed it when you commented in the string below, the preset day Israel is not the 12 tribes of Isreal in the scripture. Thank you for having an opinion, and always backing it up with scripture. I have to admit, I have never heard of the Talmud… I have a lot of reading to do. Thank you for being bold and sharing your wisdom.


I love the story in joshua where God STOPPED the sun and moon from moving( wait in school they told me the sun doesn’t move lol :man_facepalming: trust the science lol)to help them win the fight. Now if that’s not divine intervention idk what is. GOD will do what’s needed always.


Did a lot of reading this weekend on this subject Snowman. At this point I’ve learned that I know very little. I’ll get back to you. :wink:

Well, you are one up on the so-called Jews. Your reading things.

Say hypothetically, the New Testament is hog wash. Christ was a fraud, and we are all heathen gentiles. The savior never came.

They believe and read, but they don’t, the book of Moses, and say it is the only true scripture, other than the puke they penned themselves.

So, that consists of 5 books. Probably the easiest to understand. It has a great deal of history etc. Probably the least prophecy, in my opinion. Compared to Ezekiel, Isaiah etc., the Pentateuch is easier to read and understand.

So how is it that many have no clue on who they are? Why don’t they still sacrifice animals? Why didn’t they migrate to the land of Caanan before 1948? They should know where Abraham settled and was buried. They should have known where Moses viewed the land from the Mount before he died.

Yea, I’m venting.

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I was shocked reading their doctrine and declarations by Rabbi’s. I always knew that the Jewish faith did not believe in the immaculate conception or the resurrection. That, would be putting it mildly. I wont repeat most of it.

What an eye opener, hey?! When I learned about all of that I changed my view considerably!!

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