If The Great Flood Was Local, Why Did God Say...

Full article at: If The Great Flood Was Local, Why Did God Say… | World Events and the Bible

Brandon: If the great flood was local, why does God say he would never send another flood to kill people in Genesis 9:11?

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Very well explained :clap:.

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The next flood should be a flood of lies not water.

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We are already up to our keisters in lies.

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I’m grateful to find a site that takes these topics head-on. I have been dealing with a great crisis of faith based on some questions I have that few seem to have even noticed should be questions. I’m trying to work through it and answers are hard to find. Some things I can say “That’s just God being God, He can do whatever He wants for His own reasons.” This question goes beyond that, though - it’s something happening in our physical world with physical evidence.

In your analysis that the flood was local and not global and was only on those ungodly who were ‘local’ to Noah…are you saying that you don’t believe all humans were killed in the flood? That humans already in other parts of the world were not a part of this because they weren’t corrupted by the fallen angels?

I have thought of this possibility but it seems there is a strict adherence to the idea that ALL humans died. This creates issues with genetics, population, timing, human distribution, etc. If it did only include the humans in the local area, that would clear up some of the issues, at least.

That seems to be what you are implying but I haven’t seen if you’ve said it outright. I know this is very much different from the mainstream understanding, but I don’t think the mainstream has even looked at this in any depth because I have searched and searched and find it talked about very little and not comprehensively. It baffles me because the problems seem so obvious to me, yet it seems people just skim over it and don’t consider the implications, including punishing people for activities they were not a part of (like destroying the whole word rather than just Sodom and Gomorrah). Yes, we all sin - but He did spare all but those towns so it seems to be out of character to destroy somebody in South America for activities in the Middle East.

I am sure God is real and I believe Jesus is true. That is why I know there has to be a reasonable explanation and I can’t just give up on belief. I’ve already shifted from the very fundamentalist YEC beliefs I grew up with and that has been difficult, even traumatic. I believe it’s only because God is holding me that I remain in faith at all. I hope you and the others here will help me work through my questions - it would be an answer to my prayers.

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Welcome Jodi and you’re very welcome.

You’re not alone in your thoughts or feelings. Many of my readers feel as you do concerning so many topics. The best and easiest way to explain many of the confusing things, is to just use common sense.

Easier said than done, but when you said…

You’re spot on!

As Christians, we have to remember the Bible does not contain all the details, it contains a rough outline of history and God’s direction for us to follow. All the details are primarily left out, so at times we have to fill in the blanks. Denominationalism does this, but they generalize things like the flood which is a travesty.

To answer your question, all people were not killed in a global flood. It was a local event. Now, that’s just a statement, but I put together an in-depth Bible study series on Noah’s Flood. You can begin reading it at the link below. I’m confident it will answer every question you have about the flood.

Don’t let anyone shake your faith Jodi…

Let me add, science says, atoms cannot be created or destroyed… So then, where did they come from? Who created all the atoms in the universe? God did. Moreover, for our universe to have come into existence, some outside force must have created the universe, it could not have created itself. This gets deep, but there is clearly a God, and I believe the Bible describes His plan for us.

I just add that to affirm your faith, that there is a God, and His name is Jehovah.

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Thank you. I actually did already read the series and it was helpful!

Your website and this forum have given me so much hope already. I’ve felt so alone and like I was maybe going crazy seeing ‘problems’ and questions - others give me blank stares when I mentioned them. They just don’t have the interest or time to delve into it with me. I’m told to ‘just believe’ because I don’t know enough to question things. But I have logic and am a deep thinker and these are legitimate questions that I feel must have answers of some kind. This feels like a safe and honest place to investigate the issues and not feel like I’m the only one thinking this deeply.

I have gone through so much evidence for God, evidence for Jesus - I don’t see how they could NOT be true. They just have to be for anything to make sense. That’s why my brain just starts to kind of implode with these other questions that it seems there should be answers to but I can’t seem to find them! I know there is a lot of mystery with God - He doesn’t tell us more than He needs to, it seems. We have to have faith. But my faith needs to not be blind.

I think you are seeing the age of humans to be rather shorter than some ‘scientists’ see. They have found artifacts they say are 50,000 years or older - pots and such. What are your thoughts on these things? I saw your thoughts on animal fossils and such. You think there were animals that were re-created after the first Earth was cleared?

I’m also wondering if all humans migrated from the beginning or if God maybe placed them in the various locations from the start. It seems to me that the OT is written for all of us but specifically for the Hebrews of the time and events in other parts of the world weren’t on the syllabis (and neither was science, for that matter). They didn’t even know there was more to the world and it didn’t matter to their place in God’s plan, so it wasn’t really talked about.

Maybe it would be better to start a new thread with my questions - if you’re willing to work through them with me. I’ve had an awful time trying to do this myself, second guessing everything, not being able to find a comprehensive answer anywhere. I know we can’t KNOW everything and God works in ways we don’t even know about. But I’d like to know if things make sense ‘naturally’ as God set things to work or if I need to chalk a lot up to miracles. Which is fine as far as it goes, but if there are answers, I’d like to know them!


You’re very welcome!

Yes, I think another thread would be perfect. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

I’m finally back. I was doing better and now I’m not again. All the questions… I was going to start a new topic but I don’t know where I should do that.

Hey Jodi, I just sent you a message to help. Thanks!