I Was Called Out By A Reader

Hey Veronica, I don’t think you’re any of those things — you’ve been around for years — and I never called you any of those things either. I appreciate your readership, I do, and you presented a fantastic moment for us to Scripturally reflect.

I was speaking very broadly to make a point, but this is what happens, emotions kick in. People take things too personally, become offended, and well, here we are.

The point of my article was to counter your comment, where you said,

My point was, God Himself used very descriptive language to label spiritually dead people. Examples from this article:

  • Harlots
  • Whorish woman
  • Blind
  • Ignorant
  • Dumb
  • Dogs
  • Greedy

So then, my point is for Christians not to take things so seriously, that we talk our way out of what our faith is about, or set unreasonable expectations around it. If I cannot call a politician a “corpse,” then what are we to say about God’s own language?

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