Donna, I can promise you, that one never happened! 
When we brought our RV home, our neighbor/friend showed us the ropes. He’s a pro. The boys were there with me to learn, they are the RV crew. They do it all.
So our friend says,
When you dump the holding tanks, you make sure that sewage line is connected tight. And I mean it! You see that black valve right there?
“Yeah,” we said…
He goes,
“When you pull it, it’s coming!”
Ohh man, we died laughing! When you pull those valves, “it” comes, and it comes fast! So it’s too late to fix anything at that point. I can still see him telling us that from four years ago. The image is burned into my mind. It’s serious stuff! So we never made the sewer mistake like they did in the move. haha
Ohh, but we did have one mishap… (@Cozar pay close attention)
We just finished getting hooked up there in Montana. All the sudden, I hear this blood curdling scream from my daughter in the bathroom! I seriously thought she was dying. I run up the stairs and said what’s wrong honey!
Then I saw…
She’s standing there, shaking, with her hands in the air, wet, from head to toe…
Facing the toilet…
I said,
“What happened!!!..”
She said,
“I flushed the toilet.”
She’s crying, she’s a mess, and it clicks.
One of my crew members accidentally connected the freshwater to the black tank inlet. For those not RV savy, that means the freshwater pressurized the black tank. Big no no… So when little Natalie flushed the toilet. Let’s just say she got blasted with 55psi of black tank water!
Do I need to explain what’s in the black tank?..
Cause I will! Ohh I will!
I won’t kid ya, I may have lost my cool there. It’s pretty funny now, but it wasn’t funny then!