Full article at: I Must Live On Another Planet… | World Events and the Bible
What am I talking about this time? Ohh, you know I’m gonna tell ya! I found this article titled, A Black, LGBTQ Connecticut pastor leads nearly 600 New England churches. He has a gift for all who need it. Ohh no… Ohh yes! You know, for a nation that wanted to banish racism, haven’t we…
FindHopeNow.org says this: “There is a place for you in this world. A place of radical inclusion. A place where, no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome. A place of hope.”
(I think his statement says it all!)
The UCC, a continuation of New England’s Congregational churches, is a liberal Protestant Christian denomination that focuses on the social gospel — putting the biblical command to love one’s neighbor into action.
(What is the social gospel?)
“In a world that’s so concretely divided, literally where people are experiencing hatred towards their neighbor, distance towards the humanity in another individual, these churches are showing that no matter your background, race, culture, sexual orientation, we can find some sense of commonality with each other, and I might say that commonality is this desperation, I think we all have towards finding hope,” Goodwin said.
(The only commonality you’ll be experiencing is the weeping and gnashing of teeth.)
“a pastor whose hug quieted a woman’s tears when the church was opened for vigil following the election”…
(Brandon, you never gave me a hug during a snowflake moment )
The pattern comes from “the greatest commandment” to love God and love your neighbor, Walker-Morin said, quoting Matthew 22.
(Seems they skipped over the first commandment in Matthew 22)
You know I feel so sorry for the children of these people who grow up indoctrinated in this filth. Racism, homosexual, hatred, division, all under their “church”.
We are in the end times, directly before the Appearing of Jesus Christ to remove those who love Him from this world before pouring out His WRATH on it for its rejection of God and His ONLY means of removing the sins of the people. The churches have mostly fallen away see 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Everyday brings us more HOPE for our departure which is called our BLESSED HOPE, see Titus 2:13. He is literally going to appear to all born again Christians at any minute! There are millions of us who are READY and WAITING because we love His Appearing! 2 Timothy 4:8
Well the verse you put says the man of sin has to be revealed first before he comes back. Who is the man of sin?
Read the entire chapter. "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, (the Holy Ghost in we the believers) until he be taken out of the way (the Rapture) And THEN shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume… 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 ALL Scripture must be taken in context, that means WITH the WHOLE text. Verses 3 and 4 say that the falling away and that man of sin be revealed will happen which is true but verse 7 and 8 says WHEN those things will happen, when He (we) be taken out of the way. The correct interpretation of the entire chapter is in this verse. “And NOW ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.” (v.6). WHAT withholdeth? We, the Bride of Christ, and the man of sin won’t, CAN’T be revealed until we are taken out of the way. If Verse three stood alone we could take it as both things happening before but verse 7 and 8 explain verse three in more detail. You must examine ALL of Scripture.
That’s cool i read those verses diff than you. But that’s fine.
Its hard to get future things exactly right but past events we can get pretty close
Thanks for explaining Jim.
You have a take, I have a take, and @Steve1 has a take. If I follow his beliefs correctly, this already happened. As Scripture said, “the mystery of iniquity doth already work.” As in, it already happened and is done and complete.
I don’t believe that, just showing how we all draw different conclusions. All my studies on the rapture can be found at that link.
I will once again try to help you see things “in the Spirit” (1st Cor. 2:5-14-16, 2nd Cor. 4:1-17-18, John 4:24, “I was in the Spirit on the Lords DAY!” Rev. 1:10, "This IS THAT! Acts 2:16-17, Joel 2:1, 2nd Peter 3:8, 2nd Cor. 4:17-18, “Come up hither!” Rev. 4:1, Col. 1:13, Eph. 2:6, Hebrews 12:22-24, Isaiah 46:9-10, “Write; For these WORDS ARE True and FATHFUL…IT IS DONE!” Rev. 21:1-6, “NOW!” Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 10:38, 2nd Cor. 6:2, Rev. 22:17.
If I am understanding you correctly, then you do not believe yet that you are “IN TRIBULATION” Rev. 1:9, Acts 14:22, John 16:33, John 17:15, John 17:18-20, nor that you have been “Raptured” (Col. 1:13, Eph. 2:6, Hebrews 12:22-24, Gal. 2:20, Romans 6:3-10) in the “first resurrection” (Rev. 20:6, John 11:26, 1st Peter 1:23-25, and are “IN THE KINGDOM” Rev. 1:9, and that Jesus Christ “HAS MADE US kings and priest!” Rev. 1:6, and that you do NOT BELIEVE that NOW we are the children of God 1st John 3:2, and that you want to wait for some future TRIBULATION before you are willing to “receive the love of the truth” (2nd Thess. 2:9-12). That is a pity.
“So also shall it be IN THE DAYS of the Son of man!” Luke 17:20-22, 1st Cor. 12:27, 2nd John 1:7, 1st John 4:2-3, “THIS IS…!” Acts 2:16-17, Joel 2:1, 2nd Peter 3:8, 2nd Cor. 13:5, Hebrews 13:5, “Coming IN THE CLOUDS!” Matt. 24:30, “The CLOUDS ARE the dust of HIS FEET!” Nahum 1:3, “so great a CLOUD of WITNESSES!” Hebrews 12:1, Rev. 11:3-10, John 17:18-20-26, Rev. 22:17, Matt. 22:30, Rev. 22:9.
Jesus came in the clouds. What year did he come back?
What year and generation did He state as the truth, “Truly I say UNTO YOU, THIS GENERATION…!”? Matt. 24:3-34. I firmly believe that He was speaking the truth to those He was speaking to both then and now! I also believe the “end of the world” Matt. 24:3 occurred in their lives, and the end of the world (or age) will occur just as it has for many generations including ours! Eccl. 9:5, Psalms 146:4, Hebrews 9:27-28, Isaiah 26:14, John 11:26, etc. Is Jesus Christ IN YOU? 2nd Cor. 13:5, John 17. “And the CLOUDS ARE the dust of HIS FEET!” Nahum 1:3, John 17:18-20, Matt. 5:13-16, Rev. 11:3-12, Rev. 22:17, 2nd John 1:7, 1st John 4:2-3.
So what year was that? 70ad? 90ad?
If every eye sees Jesus return it will easily be documented in history just as his birth was.
Starting with any view, regardless of what it might be, the definition of “he” could be anything or anyone, plugged into that view to make it work.
In using Strong’s, the Interlinear and Blue Letter Bible, there is nothing that “specifically” points to the "he " being the Holy Spirit in us or the Bride of Christ. (To my knowledge)
To me, this is reverse engineering to make something fit into the view. If this view is correct, other things should line up. The fact that the Rapture Doctrine is not a universal understanding, even among its supporters shows the unclarity of it.
In the end, to discuss something repeatedly, like being stuck in a revolving door, of something that is not salvation based, to me, is a waste of time for both sides.
Titus 3:9 and 1 Timothy 1:4 come to mind.
As I always say to an atheist, why do you want to argue about a God that you claim does not exist. Me joining you in that belief does not make it better or worse for you. It might make you feel better about yourself but in the end, feeling don’t get it done.
No matter when the gathering takes place, we will all be there. None who are in Christ will be left behind no matter what their timing belief is. To put this into a revolving door of discussion is like pushing water uphill with a broom. All it does is waste effort that could be used elsewhere.
If you think this is real tribulation, just wait til the whole world wonders after the beast. and, running and hiding or covering God’s saving arms by fly away, just won’t save you.
Speaking to reporters, Leavitt said, “If you look at the waste and abuse that has run through USAID over the past several years, these are some of the insane priorities that the organization has been spending money on — $1.5 million to advance DEI in Serbia’s workplaces, $70,000 for the production of a DEI musical in Ireland, $47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia, and $32,000 for a transgender comic book in Peru.”
Can you believe the Dems are losing their mind over this nonsense being shut down?