I am in a difficult situation with a neighbor and I really don’t know what to do.
For several years I have had a really good relationship with this individual, whereas we talked cordially and were friendly.
Several months ago I was talking to him about a truck he was selling and we were having a good conversation. Then suddenly he changed the subject to something else and became highly agitated. To say the least I was taken back and tried to get back to what we were talking about. I told him that I didn’t desire to discuss what he had changed the subject to.
He became more and more agitated and I finally excused myself. After prayer I approached him later and he was very distant.
Since then he has been very cold and distant and won’t even respond to a hello when I am walking.
I have been praying for him and his wife, and have placed the matter into God’s hands.
I have simply been giving him his space and have not tried to push anything since.
I am really perplexed in this matter because I didn’t say one thing to provoke this. How do you handle “toxic” people like this? I would appreciate any thoughts on this! Thanks!