How Old Is The Earth?

Full article at: How Old Is The Earth? | World Events and the Bible

Do we live on a young earth or an old earth? I looked at the days of Genesis, how long a day is with God, and geologic mysteries to answer that question.


I do not believe in a young earth. It makes sense when you look at things like structures that scientist/archeologists say are millions of years old. It also brings great confusion to people when they think the earth is young.

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Brandon, If we discovered all of the answers to the mysteries of the earth and the heavens [pretending that it is possible] and produced rock solid facts would that make ‘faith’ obsolete? Would all authority in the world concede and bow down to God and worship him? NO! Would they, as quickly as possible accuse and kill all involved in bringing fourth the answers with undeniable facts ? YES! Would they bound and kill God himself if they could get their hands on him? YES! We know that to be true, they did it once 2000 yrs ago. Like you said, it’s common sense that the earth has been around way before it was remodeled by God for mankind that he made also. I also like to explore and investigate, in fact that is the nature of mankind. I do appreciate the way you encourage people to use critical thought and not ‘go with the flow’

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Loved your explanation on the days, Especially day four.


Welcome to the community Sherrie! Great to hear you enjoyed the study.

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Pretty interesting, one thing to be said is that the Hebrew idiom is pretty difficult to understand, each word has thousands of meanings. I imagine because of this, and many other things I don’t know, this was the language chosen by God.
This is a super study as always, and you deserve we tell it.
In the first chapter and verse of The Bible is one of the most important trials, “tohu” and “bohu”. It was this and other things what opened my eyes. But only if The Lord open your eyes you are able to see it

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One thing I thought about concerning the time frame.

The scientists say they can calculate the approximate distance of the stars and how long it takes for the light to get to us. They say that we are looking back in time millions or billions of years since they are so far away and some of those stars could have burned out long ago. The light just didn’t get here yet.

Then they talk about the big bang which set all this in motion at once and things evolved from there billions of years ago.

It doesn’t make sense that the other heavens were created billions of years ago and then our solar system was much later. If they believe in the big band and the light time distance from earth, you can’t have the earth being much younger. You can’t have it both ways.

With the evidence we see on earth to our planet being older than some say and the firmament, expanse, heavens, created before the earth became void, 1:1, common sense would dictate that the earth and our solar system is part of the original creation of the heavens.


Maybe I didn’t understand quite well. The earth is old like the others, Genesis 1:2 says that God The Father destroyed it because of the fall of satan, and then fixed it. God didn’t create something void, waste. It says so and Bran had an amazing study about it with references in The Bible.
2 Peter 3:5-7 talks about the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. The Lord overflowed the full world and that age perished. That is the first earth age, when the sons of God and the morning stars shouted for Joy. All of us where there in our spiritual bodies.

You are correct. My point was that some say the earth is young. Others say how old the big bang is, while others also say the stars out of our solar system are ancient.
In order for the earth to be young, it would have to have been created separately from the rest of the heavens, and when was it destroyed?
All the pieces of the puzzle don’t line up except when the agreement is that the earth is as old as the rest of the heavenly creation, the first time.
Science tells us of the light year distance of the other stars, and we do see their light, so it has had to be traveling for a long time showing their age.
Science bends or ignores some of the puzzle pieces, so they don’t have to admit total creation. As Brandon said, the Grand Canyon area has things that science can’t explain using the young earth narrative. They choose to ignore instead of seeing it for what it is.

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They taught us the big lie of evolution, I feel pretty disappointed with this. Because it is a human idea, and not the best at it. I believed in it like it was absolute. And it’s not. It’s a scam.
I feel so much gifted when The Almighty opened my eyes.
A truly gift

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Many bible scholars have mislead us. No young earth, I agree with Brandon.