Hot trash at the White House... 🔥🗑️

Unbelievable, UNBELIEVABLE!

Every time the President opens his mouth, markets tumble, tank, flop, etc. Boy, I know many voted for this guy for economic reasons. Hopefully things change, because it’s getting extremely ugly out there.

Vance did a great job of escalating the conversation into the disaster that this turned into. If this is “winning,” I’d love to see what losing is like. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch the video below. Trump, Vance, and Zelensky had a nice insulting and shouting match.



I am surprised it was public but Zelenskyy, to me, came across like we owe him something.

NATO, years ago, seems to be the catalyst that started this thing, which our nation was pushing.
If we would have stayed out of it, after pushing NATO, I believe Putin would have the whole country by now.
If we keep pumping in the money, it goes on indefinitely. If we stop the funding, I think Putin takes more Ukraine, maybe the whole country. It would just take longer.

A deal being made at this time is the best option. I do agree with Vance that Zelensky should be thanking us for the support. When and if this deal goes down, if Putin gets to keep the area where the Rare Earth Minerals are, the largest in the country, then it is a bad deal.

If Zelenskyy doesn’t like it, I guess he can go home and go it alone.


My thoughts, we should have never been involved. I don’t think we should be involved now. The “deal” will provide the U.S. with $20 billion in minerals, not $500 billion, not $350 billion, not $200, not $100, but $20 billion. That’s according to the White House.

The whole thing went off the rails when Vance answered Zelensky’s concern, about a ceasefire being enforced. Vance took offense and really brought the whole thing on. It would have been a bit more professional for Trump to tone down the rhetoric, but what do you expect from “The Art of the Deal?”

P.S. Wouldn’t it be nice to see the President treat Netanyahu like this?

That’s how we saw it anyway. Everyone see’s the same thing differently though.

Now back to you folks!


I just posted the same link, which is why I deleted my post.

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I didn’t hear the new number for the minerals. I don’t think we should have gotten involved either.
One Congressman said we have to see the war through so China knows not to invade Taiwan. Why are we always supposed to be the world’s policeman on our dime?

Yes, we shouldn’t be involved with them either. What do they have to offer us? Benny needs to visit the wall more.

Does anyone think that both sides had different interpretations of the deal?

It seems that Zelenskyy thought the minerals were for a NATO type protection, even though they are not a member, after the peace treaty and Trump wanted the minerals for reimbursement for the money already given.

This seems strange since I would have thought that Zelenskyy would have saw the deal in print before getting on the plane.

Like you said Brandon, this is where it turned into a dumpster fire, and I thought the ingratitude seemed to show. They reported that Biden had the same issue with him in 2022.

I do understand his concerns but there is no guarantee. Israel didn’t keep the cease fire agreement they agreed to.
By the way, I thought all the hostages were to be released Saturday’s ago.

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Zelinsky is an ignoramous! The transparency was clear to America, and he got reciprocal disrespect for his fold in the cards! We don’t owe anyone anything! They owe us! If so! Let Putin take the spoils! Zelinsky will burn for the continued destruction of his people’s country! But I pray for the citizens of Ukraine and their innocence of the evil that transpires! I am confident he will cave! Trump is no dummy in this Ukraine holdem game! I can’t believe the corruption this man has to deal with domestically and abroad! I commend him for it! For a man that was inches from death! Coincidence? I doubt it! And his last name is Trump! Hmmm!:thinking::grin:


I think the deal was supposed to be done before the president flew over to the US and met in front of the media. Obviously someone dropped the ball here. I’m thinking the new inexperienced Sec of State holds responsibility for this fiasco. Agree that Vance shouldn’t have provoked the situation. Looks bad for Trump. Wonder who will take the fall…

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We are their previous banker! The Ukraine is indebted…What! Their going to join an indebted NATO which we have also been the hand out banker to their security for ages! They dug their own hole! And we deserve interest paid! Watch them either cry for help, or get what they have coming! The poker game is on and we have the upper hand! We will only intervene when it becomes a threat to America for their non-compliance!:grin:
God is in control! Hallelujah!:pray::point_up_2::facepunch::grin:

It’s wild! It’s been this way for a long time. Everyone does look to the US for leadership or is it our cash pile. Wait, I think it’s a debt pile these days.

It sure seemed that way to me as well.

Perhaps we got the wrong Saturday? I’m sure when it does happen, it’ll be the best, the greatest, no one’s done it better. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Supposedly it was… Last night I read about it. In fact, I had a feeling that the agreement wasn’t going to be signed and there was going to be some funk at the meeting. Perhaps I should play lotto? :smile:

I hate to see eye to eye with Zelensky, but again, to his point on how a peace agreement would be enforced…

Anyone remember the 1994 “Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances,” how did that work out?

Ohh and for everyone’s viewing pleasure…

After seeing more reporting on this situation, it now makes sense.

Scott Bessent met with Zelenskyy in Kiev where the deal was to be signed. This mineral deal had nothing to do with the peace keeping, just an effort to repay the American taxpayers for their investment. This deal also put money into Ukraine economy. (Not sure how)
Zelenskyy stalled on it and said he would sign it in Munich. After this, Bessent stated that the ball was on the one-yard line and should be completed real soon.

When they met in Munich, he pulled the same thing and said he would sign it at the WH when meeting with Trump.

Then the nonsense happened yesterday. His main problem is the peace keeping after the war is over. That is why he brought it up to Vance. He wants us to police Putin afterwards, which is a part of NATO, which we pump the most into, and Trump wants none of it and we shouldn’t either.
Zelenskyy wants guarantees which are impossible. The EU was to do the peace keeping not NATO. Trump agreed to attempt to get the peace deal done but wants a way to repay us just as Europe’s money was a loan, not a gift.

I believe Zelenskyy thought he was going to buffalo Trump as he did Biden and look what happened.

Edited: As someone said, if the EU doesn’t like the way Trump treated Zelenskyy, open your check book.

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My take is similar to yours sNOwflakes. I kept thinking that there must be more to the story than just what we saw during the White House meeting, that would cause Trump and Vance to treat Zelensky the way they did.

In the CNN interview below Marco Rubio adds a bid more information.

We Didn’t see all the things that led up to this, it was the culmination frustration brought on by what had gone on over the previous ten days.

Rubio nails it for me. Zelensky is an ungrateful numskull.

This reporter, typical left, has to keep hammering away with their narrative to try to get him to say something they can twist. If anyone else was in the WH, the narrative would be different.

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I’d agree with that.

Unfortunately, most of Europe is NATO, and any peace keeping effort could quickly escalate into an Article 5 scenario. In the end, as always, it’s been there deal. They should just fight it out. We never should have been involved. Our involvement only made the world a worse place and led to the death and destruction of many. If there can be no security guarantees, then there’s no point to “peace.”

It doesn’t matter if Zelensky was an honorable man or not, which he isn’t, it’s about, we have no business in this affair.

Not quite.

It’s fake news that all of Europe’s money was a loan. In fact, Macron just called Trump out on this at the White House, face to face. Trump then mocked Macron, which again, causes problems.

The French president responded: “No, in fact. To be frank, we paid. We paid 60 per cent of the total effort.” I also verified some of this at the time through European government websites.

In the end, this present “deal” the U.S. and Ukraine are squabbling about should never be. If we gave the money to Ukraine, then that’s the end of the story. As stupid as it may be, you have to stay by your honor, or your nations honor. Going back and trying to squeeze blood out of a dried turnip is akin to Indian giving.

Take the loss, move on.

Edit to add: Trump considers pausing all military aid to Ukraine. This is the next logical conclusion, but again, since we got into this thing, there does need to be negotiation’s to get out. As a citizen, we say, pull the plug, walk away. As a world leader, you can’t do that. Otherwise, who would want to trust that America will hold her end of a bargain.

Obviously Biden and Trump are completely different. Yet, national decisions cannot be made so drastically. In fact, we’re hearing this from business leaders all over the United States right now, yes, different story.

Can this happen even though Ukraine is not in NATO? Putin would have to invade one of the other countries, right? Or are we forced to help them help someone else who is not a member?

I remember the conversation, but with the accent, I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying.

I think this is what has the WH team so frustrated. Zelenskyy has put them into a no-win situation. Taxpayers on one side and the world on the other. This is what happens when we don’t keep our nose out of the business of others.

The EU president has already sided with Zelenskyy against us, but what else could they say? They don’t have the ocean barrier, but missiles go pretty far.


Putin has already said, he will not accept any NATO nations troops in Ukraine. So send in someone else’s troops. But my only point was, if this thing swirls out of control, if the Euros really support Ukraine, then who knows how it escalates.

If it escalated out of control and Russia attacked a Euro nation, then we would be obligated to respond via Article 5. So, if you are involved in the peace process, you can ensure, to some degree, this does not happen.

So true.

Personally, if we really wanted peace, then the mineral business should have never come up. Let’s just go to the peace table. Honestly, that’s the next step. If Trump is really out as he seemed to indicate due to Zelensky. Then say, “Hey, if you don’t make peace by X date, then we won’t send you another bullet.” There has to be some new drastic step. We can’t continue to support them, but you can’t stop on a dime either.

This ends when we stop funding them.

I thought about this some more. What was the original bargain? Was it to see the war through with our dollars till Russia was defeated or went back home? Or an off the cuff offer?

Probably no one put the parameters in the “helping deal”, more stupidity, and we are left holding the bag.
I really don’t see this ending well. Putin is not going to give up all the territory he has taken, we as a nation will be the scape goat. Even the wounded Ukrainian soldiers are upset for a peace deal stating, “what was my sacrifice for”?

It’s a sad deal all the way around.

You’re right, Putin is not giving up the land, so this will be an interesting soap-opera to watch. :popcorn: Same with all the wars we’ve been involved with, at least in my lifetime.

What did we get out of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc, etc, etc?



All ACTING on the world stage. :roll_eyes: Negotiations are done behind closed doors. :crazy_face: They probably met for lunch afterwards; slapped each other on the back, and laughed :joy:about who had the best punchlines to upset the American Patriots. :rage: Reality TV at the White House; designed to make T-man and Vance look like tough guys; and to detract from the “failed” release of Epstein FBI documents by Trump’s assigned FBI staff.