Home Build Progress

Home build with some visitors last night.

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The coons are saying “Hey look, their building us a house to live in!!!”

This has got to be exciting - finally seeing it all come together. Prayers that the guy you hired to do the dimensions got it right the 3rd time.

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Awesome stuff sNOwflakes!

I’m excited just looking at the pictures.

Is it coming along on schedule so far?

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I guess. Had some rain days. Trouble getting a transformer for the underground. They are scarce. Hopefully have one before it is done.


More family.


House is coming along nicely. Exciting I’m sure.
I love seeing what shows up on my trail cams. Raccoons are not camera shy.

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No there not, and apparently, they are eating machines. :raccoon: :man_cook:

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This is in the deep of the forest! How fortunate Sir Ken!

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Look who showed up for dinner.


They know where to find the good eaten! :smile:

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Nice bucks! We have a lot of deer here also. but I’ve only seen 1 buck in our yard for I bet close to a year. We have 2 momma’s with twin fawns, but one fawn didn’t make it. Unfortunately I heard the whole thing, but I kept reminding myself that the coyotes have to eat too. Then I instantly think about when heaven will be on earth - I sure am looking forward to that time!


We have a couple in the area, and I have some concerns with my little fur babies. Will have to be smart in letting them run. In this area, the people want the coyotes gone.

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Yep, we don’t really care for them here either. Of course they keep building subdivisions all over the place here so they have no where else to go. We’ve never had an issue with our cats, but they can climb trees.

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