Here’s Why Adam Was Not Created In Genesis 1

Theo, welcome to the community.

Let me just touch on a couple of the points you made.

I think that’s the part you may have missed.

On the third day of Genesis, we’re told,

“the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind” - Genesis 1:12

On the sixth day of Genesis, we’re told,

“God created man in his own image” - Genesis 1:27

So in Genesis 1, plants were already growing on the third day without mankind, we didn’t have mankind until the sixth day.

Now let’s read:

Genesis 2:5
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

In Genesis 2, we’re told, the plants didn’t grow not just due to a lack of rain, but since there was not a man to till the ground. So there’s two conditions there, not just one. God never expected Adam to till the entire earth. Instead, He now speaks of a specific place on earth, the Garden of Eden.

Moreover, don’t forget what I pointed out about the birds.

Genesis 1:

  1. Plants were created on the third day.
  2. Birds were created on the fifth day.
  3. Man was created on the sixth day.

Genesis 2:

  1. Adam was created.
  2. Plants were created.
  3. Birds were created.

Do you see the mixed up order?

Not just plants, but birds as well.

This is where we have to divide Genesis 1 from 2, not combine them. In Genesis 1, plants were created and growing without man around. Yet, reading Genesis 2, plants didn’t grow yet, as there was no rain or man.

Just slowly read Genesis 2…

  • Gen 2:5 - No plants, no rain, no man.
  • Gen 2:6 - Mist, watered the ground, (still no plants)
  • Gen 2:7 - God formed Adam.
  • Gen 2:8 - God planted a garden (now plants which Adam cultivates)
  • Gen 2:9 - “out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree”

So Genesis 2:5 lays the subject, there were no plants, as there was no rain and no man. By the time we get to verse 9, we have all the conditions that were required being met.

I actually addressed this in the past, you can find it here. To summarize, Scripture said, “by one man sin entered into the world.” However, that’s not true.

Who sinned first, Adam or Eve?

Give the link a read, it will help.

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