Help Us, O God Of Our Salvation

Full article at: Help Us, O God Of Our Salvation | World Events and the Bible

So many times Israel fell short, and so many times have we done the same. Even so, God is always ready to save us through repentance, but we must cry out to Him.


Thank you for sharing everyday; I love reading and I go through the topics and I’ve been reading several on homosexuality. I had a good friend for years who left after New Years to be with another man. It hurt me to where I’m depressed; I’ve been praying for strength and healing but it’s taking time. Now, his boyfriend has been texting and leaving threat messages on my phone. Please keep my son and I in prayer for strength and healing. Also, complete deliverance from alcohol. Thank you!


I would stop contact with both of them immediately. Build your relationship with God and ask for His guidance. Put your trust in Him and Him alone.


Thank you! I have blocked him but his boyfriend has been calling from different and private numbers. I sense so much evil from his relationship with this homosexual .