Harris degrades Christian for saying, “Jesus is Lord”

When I saw this news event early yesterday morning, I was going to post it, but couldn’t confirm the audio. Last night, I confirmed the audio…

Harris was discussing Roe v Wade when someone in the audience shouted, “Jesus is Lord” to which she replied, “You guys are at the wrong rally.”

This isn’t surprising to us, but I’m quite sure it’s shocking to a lot of other people. This shows her disdain for the Christian faith, which she supposedly professes herself.

Here’s the first clip…


Here’s the second clip…


Not only does Harris bash a Christian for making such a simple statement, but there was much laugher and applause.

Doesn’t this just define the state of the world?


Probably the honest she’s ever been in her entire life.


That’s ok.

In the future, we can say, Kamala, you’re at the wrong wedding. This is the small one, you already attended the big one down the street.


I’m glad she spelled it out for those who already knew she aligned more with obummer beliefs…which are not Christian (in any form).

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She’s of the synagogue of satan. Her fruits show it. Any church that let’s her in is a fake church. She’s a viper.