God Gave Us A Spirit Of Power, Not Fear

Full article at: God Gave Us A Spirit Of Power, Not Fear | World Events and the Bible

God provided us with a spirit of miraculous power. Yet, we often tune in to the world, which drags our spirit down, and we quickly forget God’s blessings.


Oh how I love this Scripture and keep it forefront in my mind! It’s interesting as the older I have become the more I am aware that I can let fear drift into my thoughts. I actually believe it’s because of the 24 7 news cycle that spreads fear. Hey it covers it all war, crime, politics, heath, finances etc. Doom and gloom. Thank you for this devotion today. 3 positives!!


I actually feel the opposite - the older I get the less fear I have. That’s one thing I have also come to realize over the years - perception and how each and every person has their own perception or their own reality on things.

I’ve gotten to the point that every time I hear an advertisement I just shake my head. Especially the ones that have all the extra “marketing tools” added in - like the happy music or the dreaded music or the key words that are stated or flashed on the screen. The ones that really get me are the ones for pharmaceuticals - take this pill and you’ll be dancing in the streets! As for the news cycle…I don’t watch TV but will read headlines and usually just shake my head again…all nonsense.


Yes, but you’re missing out on all the things that are, “new and improved”. :smiley:


I’ve always lived in fear.
Till I found the Lord a few years ago.
This fear destroyed my health.
In 2011. I’ve struggled to not lose my job, with all my heart. But the fear keep on coming on me.
Sometimes it was unbearable. I couldn’t sleep, and then wake up an go to work. One day, another day, another day.
During a holiday in Cantabria I was laying on the beach with my wife and the kids. She said: look, a man Is getting drowned!! Inmediatly I dropped in the water (I’ve done swimming and waterpolo almost professional). And pulled the man to the shore. His son was also getting drowned, but the man was almost dying, so I chose him first.
When going for the child, I pulled but I lose my strength. And just in that moment I thought, I’ve gonna lose my life, my heart is gonna explode, for a people I don’t know. But a man dropped into the water and we pulled the child to the shore.
I didn’t even know them!! It was crazy, I’ve risked my life, I’ve risked leaving alone my family, mi kids, my wife, for this people that I didn’t know.
I am not a mighty man of valor, like king David, or the like. Maybe I lean towards little cowardly.
After that event, they didn’t thanked me.
The important thing is that I felt Someone moved me, it was very nuanced, but I could feel it. I felt no fear, no nervous, nothing. Just calmness.
Since then I begin to seek the Lord, and began to lose the fear that was destroying me (satan). And began to grow stronger and happier and enjoy life.
Thanks to The Lord. And to his infinite mercies. And His love.
And now I have no fear. The Lord takes care of His own. Only follow His word. As hard as you can. And the fear will banish.