Can you answer my 3 questions? Thanks.
I haven’t answered your three questions for the following reasons, Jeffrey:
- They are off topic and have nothing to do with Brandon’s question concerning the rapture.
- They are random and seem to lack purpose other than to stir up an argument.
- The first question appears to be asking for my opinion, which is of no consequence and unimportant to your walk in Christ.
If I’ve misinterpreted your intent in asking those questions (#2 above), then I apologize. I don’t have the benefit of assessing your tone and body language here.
I won’t be answering your off-topic questions here unless Brandon gives his permission. I’m new to his site, so I’m unaware of other avenues he may have established for off-topic Q&A.
So can you answer. They are Bible questions id like to hear your answers for ?
Hi Jeffrey! Looks like Brandon created a new space for our discussion on your three questions put to me a little while ago. Thank you, Brandon. I’m still very much learning my way around your site and what’s available to us here. I appreciate your patience with me on that.
So, back to your three questions, Jeffrey:
You asked this first question two different times, so I referenced them both here. You asked for my opinion/thoughts on the nation of Israel as it is today.
Overall, and probably to my discredit, I don’t give Israel a lot of my “thinking” time because most of that is spent on studying God’s word and meditating on it. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for God’s will to be realized in His time, but I honestly haven’t spent any quality time thinking about whether the Israel of today is the same as Biblical Israel.
However, in thinking about it now, I would have to say, no, the Israel of today is not like Biblical Israel:
Today, approximately 21% of the residents of Israel are Arabs. And, although approximately 74% of the population is of Jewish ethnicity, at least 20% of those don’t even believe in God!
Biblical Israel was chosen by God as a people unto Himself, a “peculiar” people as viewed by the rest of the world (maybe that’s still true
). Ever since Israel rejected their Saviour, God has put them “on ice”, so to speak, when He paused the prophetic time clock and focused His attention on building the church, the body of Christ. He’s been doing that for over 2,000 years now. God hasn’t communicated openly with Israel since then, whereas Biblical Israel heard from God in a number of different ways through various spokesmen. Today, God is silent towards Israel.
Do I think God is done with Israel? No, God isn’t done with Israel. As you’re probably aware, I believe in a pre-Tribulation catching away of the body of Christ. When we are taken out of the way, the Antichrist will be revealed on earth as the Tribulation period begins, which is all about Israel and God’s wrath being poured out. When that ends with the appearance of Jesus Christ to save Israel from total annihilation, He sets up his physical kingdom on earth in Jerusalem and implements the New Covenant with the nation of Israel (Jeremiah 31:31-40). After that, Satan is released for a little time, then comes the White Throne Judgment and the lake of fire.
I went back to my response to sNOwflakes to make sure I understood what caused you to ask this question:
There’s no more law for those of us in the church, the body of Christ (see Galatians 3:24-25; Romans 3:19-31; Romans 6:14; Romans 8:3-4; Romans 10:4; Galatians 2:16).
The KJV Bible says that on the 2nd day of Creation, He created the firmament and placed the firmament “in the midst of the waters” so as to “divide the waters from the waters” (Genesis 1:6-8). I have a hard time picturing this in my mind’s eye because I have no idea what Earth truly looked like at the time except that the surface was covered by water. Genesis 1:8 says God called the firmament heaven.
Smith’s Bible Dictionary defines the firmament as, “…the great arch of expanse over our heads, in which are placed the atmosphere and the clouds, and in which the stars appear to be placed, and are really seen.”
In Genesis 1:14-19, God created the sun, moon, and stars in the “firmament of the heaven” to shed light upon Earth. As we now know that these celestial bodies are situated in what we call, “outer space,” then it must be this heaven that God calls the firmament.
So, because I believe the KJV Bible to contain the Truth of God, that’s what I picture as being the firmament. As a caveat, however, Paul does indicate that there are three “heavens” (2 Corinthians 12:2), and he refers to the third heaven as “paradise” (2 Cor 12:4). I’d like to know for certain what Paul was thinking the second heaven to be. I’m assuming it’s the firmament (where the sun, moon, and stars are) based on his knowledge of the Scriptures as a Pharisee. That would leave the first heaven to be where the birds fly and the clouds are formed.
And there you have my feedback on your three questions, Jeffrey.
Hey thank you!
I enjoy to read your thoughts on all that. Thanks for putting time and effort in on it
I enjoy the site because yes the Bible is number 1 but its cool to look at current events and history to try and figure things out.
On israel some i agree some i don’t
The law we don’t agree lol
The firmament. I can see you def read and used your mind on this one and id say we are pretty spot on. I also think the 3rd heaven is where God sits. The 2nd heaven is the firmament and the 1st is up high.
I think its very interesting God used the firmament to separate the waters from above from the waters below. I read the vs for years mainly just skipped over it but upon studying it more its very interesting. I think that’s why the sky is blue. Just my opinion. But ya his creation is so big so in depth i don’t think we will fully understand all of it. But I’m going with the Bible all day over fake science
Thanks for sharing the reason why you ask questions as you do. I have a better understanding of why they sometimes seem so random to me. It’s just your style.
I’m also curious about the way you view Israel today if you’d like to share more, as well as the law. If you’re not comfortable doing that, I understand and am good with that. If you do decide to share, there’s no rush at all.
My thoughts on Israel today is that they are the synagogue of satan.
I have visited Israel myself in 2019 for 21 days. I only saw 1 Christian church there and that was in the old city walls in Jerusalem which was more of a tourist attraction. It’s all muslins and jews or Talmudist. The USA gov and Israel gov to me is one in the same. They carry out false flags to accomplish their mission and don’t care who gets in the way. Benjamin Netanyahu predicted 9 11 in his book and even talked about it on tv in 1996. The dancing Israelis watched as the twin tower AND building 7 fell (not sure how it collapsed when it was not hit but hey trust the government!), the celebrated and filmed it. They were part of massad and they knew what was going to happen and when. I can go on and on and as brandon said in the past if Israel is realllyyyy God people won’t he take care of them? Look in the Old Testament and all the supernatural events God did to take care of his people when they truly followed him. Also why does the USA need to take over gaza? lol really what a waste of time and money we got plenty to worry about right here but hey those jews in charge of the us gov they want what Israel wants.
I can type for days about this but ill keep it short.
As far as the law goes, I go with a few verses Matthew 5:17 , romans 7:7-8 , romans 3:20
You are not saved by law but its knowledge of sin and how to live. God created us and told us how to live and treat others and ourselves. No, I haven’t read and studied every single law. Some that I have I find interesting once I study it, and find out why God said to do it, I feel people today are dumber than back then. Now a days we just trust anyone on tv or a doctor and just whatever the popular thing is. I follow the health laws and people get so offended lol I try not to be mean and say well look at your body then look at mine and see who’s winning. but as someone who was 20 years military and just going with the flow, I trusted the us gov was keeping us healthy and they were not. Once I stopped getting shots, I stopped getting sick once I stopped eating scavengers, I also stopped getting sick going on 3 years now and no fever sickness so for me it’s just I study on my own find out why and then said I think this is still relevant. I don’t try to push it on other people until they get offend by what I do. Then when I question them, they have no reason, or no bible verse they are just mad I don’t eat bacon lol sorry I like to be lean muscle and in shape no big pharma for me. I use myself as an example of how in shape and no meds I take to show hey this is how God planned it and I’m just trying to live it out.
I enjoy bouncing verses back and forth or some topics and if we don’t agree that’s fine like end times stuff or law. When it comes to creation gen 1, I’m going to debate that hard because it’s very clear what God did and made but many don’t want to read the facts and trust God
But ya I’m up for any bible topic you got anytime i enjoy it!