looking to sell our home in TN. and relocate to MO or AR. if anyone knows of anyone looking to buy our home and /or find a home in AR. or MO. we would greatly appreciate letting us know . thanks for help. espressogirl
Welcome @espressogirl !! I am not able to be helpful in this area, but hopefully replying helps this post get some attention!!!
I have been packing since May 5th, and just now finding out that we cannot move into new a place as we were lead to believe.
So please appreciate all your hard work that you and family have endured to be able to actually sell your current home and buy a new home, despite all the stress. May Lord be with you in all things to stay happy, healthy, and full of His wisdom, In Jesus Christ Name Amen
oh how hard that must be for your family. I hope you can move sometime soon. where are you looking to buy a home? we have been packed since april. hoping our house will sell. its been on mkt. aprox . one and a half mo. now, and we are also trying to find a home to move to.
Thank you for caring words! We are doing pretty good, thank God, considering all the new information as of today and through the time of replying to you. We were looking to rent in MA.
It takes a toll on you when all your things are being packed away while still needing to meet the daily needs for your family, I hope your keeping strong n tough! I hope you don’t have to wait too much longer to know where your new home and adventures will be, hope everything works smoothly for you!
Likewise , thank you for encouragement in the Lord! we have never had to coordinate selling a house and buying one at same time. its challenging for sure. maybe you can just open a box up if really needed while you wait to move. ive opened a couple since its getting harder to live like this. just a thought. blessings upon you and yours , as you go through this difficult time.
Thank you ! Appreciate your time and thoughtfulness! It is a good idea!
youre quite welcome & i hope it helps ! God understands our situation !
The only way I can help both of you is to pray. If I do see anything, I will let you know!
Welcome to the community and I sure hope you find what you’re looking for. Sounds exciting!
Sounds like we had some of the same experience. We just moved from Florida to NC.
We had a temporary rental all set up, storage unit paid for and then the guy decided he wouldn’t rent to us till out home was built. All our belongings were packed in boxes except for a fork, knife and a cup each with paper plates. Mattress, to be thrown away, on the floor, and clothes that would fit in a carry on under an airplane seat. (Serenity now, serenity now)
Turns out, another house we wanted originally, but was taken, the people backed out and we latched on to it. It had a 2-car garage so I didn’t need the storage, but they wouldn’t refund even though I only had it a day and never used it. Can you say, no prorate.
A buyer came along quickly and wanted us out in a week. I killed myself packing the first load on a 26’ U-Haul, drove to NC only to find out the house was cleaned by Helen Keller. (Thinking that is why the other people backed out) (Many prayers sent in those days)
Cleaned for 2 days, unloaded, flew back to Florida. Was loading the 2nd 26’ Penske truck and during the final buyers walk through to find out they changed their mind since the pool water would only come to their waist. The pool is approx. 4’ 6". I told the realtor unless the buyers are giraffes, it is nonsense. Turns out, they do this for a hobby, view homes, make an offer then back out. (It’s amazing the things you can imagine)
Meanwhile, me and Mr. Penske headed for NC., I only could have the truck for 5 days. In Columbia SC, got a call from our realtor and he had 3 more offers. I pulled into a hotel instead of driving straight through to conference call and decide who gets the pool.
Took the best offer. Next morning, drove to NC, unloaded, cleaned 2 more days and flew back to a home with no furniture etc.
The next day I got a call from our builder and said the excavator had to start a week early, I needed to be there, so I drove my truck back to NC while the boss stayed in Florida, and I set up the new rental. (Cleaned 2 more days)
Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. After it was all over and my keister unpuckered, I looked back and saw how The Lord brought us through it for the better and I want to thank Him publicly for doing so.
The people who backed out did us a favor since the other offer was greater than theirs. The guy who backed out of the rental house did us a favor also. Storage units are hard to come by and we would never have gotten all our things in the first house and one storage unit.
So, keep the faith, ErickaG ericka777 and espressogirl. He will put you where He wants you if you let Him. Prays sent.
Well crap! I knew you having some issues but I didn’t expect all of that!! And yes, I believe God guided you all the way. Sometimes I wonder if God kind of chuckles as He refines us!
Oh wow! Thank you for sharing! Needed this! Thank Lord for keeping you guys sane and with an even better plan for you n family ! Thank you Lord in Jesus Christ Name Amen!
Thank you , your awesome
This part that you mentioned, is really frustrating, on how people are making this a hobby
with no cares of how it affects the families.
Amen and thumbs up to that!
Hope everything is going smoothly!
Hope you are even more settled and comfy!
Yes, we are. Renting a home now till our house is built. Construction has started and the fun, or hopefully fun begins.
Excellent!!! Thank you Lord In Jesus Christ Name Amen!!!