Facebook login disabled, here’s why...

Hey folks, for anyone using Facebook to log in to the community, I had to turn it off today, so it’s not going to work anymore.

The reason, Facebook. Their API which is tech used to connect the login functionality is no longer supported by Facebook, unless of course, I become a business.

It’s crazy. I’m not a business, just a guy, so the functionality had to go. So sorry about that, but it’s out of my hands. Thanks for your understanding.

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i had to reread that. I use a browser and don’t log in unless directly once on our site. I don’t think it’s as safe otherwise, is it?

Hey Linda, Facebook login is now disabled so it doesn’t matter much, Twitter is still enabled though. Anyway, whenever you use features like this on the web, your data is sent back to Facebook in this example to authenticate. No harm in that since you would be a Facebook user anyway. For people who login directly into this site, their data never leaves this server. :+1:t3: