Even Short Runs Have Major Health Benefits

WEB cares about your health! :+1:t3:

“We’ve found that going for something like a two-mile run a few times a week gets you pretty much the full benefit of running in terms of lower mortality,” said Dr. James H. O’Keefe, the director of preventive cardiology at St. Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Mo.

I always felt great after a run, haven’t done it in awhile, but will be soon enough.

They say with respect to running…

Numerous long-term studies — some involving thousands of participants — have shown that running benefits people physically and mentally. Research has also found that runners tend to live longer and have a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer than nonrunners.

Any form of exercise that gets your heart pumping is a good thing.

Just not competition eating. :grin:



Now, I don’t mean this to be derogatory, but did that article give you more knowledge about running or did tou already know that? Why do they have to do a study on something like this? Isnt it just common sense that exercise is good for the body?

These studies always cracks me up. God built our bodies to benefit from physical activity.

Again, I didnt mean this in a negative way. It’s just another one of those articles that are used to show you that these scientists and doctors are so smart when its really just commom sense. :slightly_smiling_face:

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What I found interesting was,

a two-mile run a few times a week gets you pretty much the full benefit of running in terms of lower mortality

Personally, I didn’t know that. I had a hunch from personal experience.

I wish more people knew these things, perhaps then we wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic in this country. :frowning:


Agree! AND the other positive about this article is it gets people thinking to get more exercise in. :grinning:


I broke my knee in multiple pieces, The Lord performed a miracle on it, before the fracture I was not able to ride a bike. Much less jogging
Now I enjoy a ride here and there and even a little jogging!!!
I recommend you run barefoot, the feet are very sensitive and you still run different than with shoes.
My knee it’s a miracle from The Lord. Indeed it is.
Thank you Lord


I agree with running barefoot and actually going barefoot as much as possible.

And praise God that He healed you. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you very much for your comments Kay! Have a nice Friday all!

Hey Brandon, may I suggest adding a 2 minute plank to your 2 mile run. You’ll be good to go! Haha

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Very nice. Its great to stay active and follow the Bible health laws. Also rev 18:23 has helped keep me sickness free for going on 3 years. Grounding and sunlight are free and healthy that’s how God made it. Pslam 19!