Full article at: Do You Remember When We Didn’t Talk About Who We Voted For? | World Events and the Bible
My wife and I were just talking about that… Remember way back when, when people didn’t talk about who they voted for? I mean, it used to be a private thing, a sacred thing. It was a taboo topic, it was like talking about your finances. We just don’t do that, right? It’s your business,…
Good read. Ppl say if i don’t vote for trump im not being American and kamala will get in lol. Sorry go study and not on Google. President’s are selected not elected as Roosevelt said. Even the President’s answer to higher powers on what they do. They are all puppets. I did 20 Years military iraq and Afghanistan. How am i not an American for not voting? Lol Americans are lazy bums and watch fox and cnn and get brain washed. Open the Bible with an open mind read. Learn science is twisted and the medical system too. Its all about money and control.
If we go back to the 1st king, Saul, what really led to it?
Samual was old and for some ludicrous reason, he put his 2 sons in charge who were crooked. Much like our government today. Historically, when things like this happened, sometimes the Lord took them out but this time He didn’t.
The people rejected God, same as today. All the heathen leaders say they are godly, bow at the national prayer breakfast, etc., all the while making crooked deals.
So, God gave them a whole list of negatives as to why they should not follow a man king. They point blank said they wanted to be like the other nations. They would rather have had a man to fight their enemy’s than God. Same as today, one global family.
He knew their hearts and gave them what they wanted. A tall goodly man who they would be satisfied with on the outside.
As Brandon said, the majority of our politicians serve themselves while saying they work for God.
“We have let politics replace God, while saying, we serve Him through it.” Personally, I don’t know any Christian (even “judeo”-Christians) who do this. Now, if one does not understand that “religion” is ideology/philosophy/belief, and that policy should be what they are voting for or against (weighing in that scale of logic), then I guess they are more involved in the gamesmanship of winning…like routing for the Dodgers. But, my dad being German, i heard lots of talk about beliefs in regards to being under a govt or thinking to be run by somethings that you can like or tolerate. But yes, politics and religion were taboo in larger family groupings like at the holidays. But your spouse? well, to me that would kind of show a weak part in that “group” of human existance.
I think carpenters should do their job on the 4 horns…Zech. But, everyone else should follow their understanding.
Saul the first man king appointed by God at the people’s persistency. I always find it humorous that we are introduced to Saul while he was out looking for his father’s lost asses. That’s about sums up our leaders today. Haha.
Most of them couldn’t find their own asses in a closet with the light off.
I think you would be surprised how many couples are on both sides of the fence in politics. Doesn’t mean they can’t talk about it, but some don’t due to strife. Even when 2 couples get together to socialize, bringing up anything political or biblical can lead to strife. Sad.
there can be strife in family…esp today. I think we can understand how that happens. “back in the day”, our Father wanted us to “marry” from “within”…this had more to do with the 2 families being more aligned…at least in belief. When we think of “helpmates” we don’t think of two cows pulling in opposite directions, but in the same direction We might even consider how Adam might have kept “peace” siding with his helpmate rather than sticking to his guns (and our Father’s). But, my parents disagreed on several things…esp the healthcare issue…mother would like it socialized, my dad thinks free market. I see both points, but I’m free market on this…and despise obummercare. So, I rarely talk politics with my mother,wish my dad was still here. even pre-obummercare, folks got emergency care. we see the fruit of socialism…pharma took the HC. great. (SI). Now, is obummercare “religion” or “political”? And, in most cases, I understand “governing” quite different than “political”.
Makes holidays fun huh. You can run out of topics fast.
Yep! So, eat drink(?) be merry instead
You nailed it Jeffrey. Our history books are twisted as well.
Hey yes i agree! Only winners or those in control write history and they will twist it to push whatever they are trying to do.
That’s right…exactly what I meant.
With all the snowflakes falling out there, you would think it was the middle of January.
You are definitely right Brandon, elections are controlled by God according to his plan for humanity…I say if God’s plan is not for now, he will elect the person that unknowingly will make it possible for God to continue his work, his plan until his plan reaches the right time of his return when he established it and which no one knows, but the signs that give clues to his return. Perhaps, by making Trump win, God is calling his church to stand up tall and bold as unshakable soldiers, defenders of his gospel, his truth and his kingdom as this earth is his kingdom, perhaps God is calling his church for a revival before his return…perhaps he is talking to his church…wake up church and return to your first love…King Solomon is right when he says in Ecclesiastes 1: 9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Since Genesis 1.1 and even before creation of the heavens and the earth, the plan of God was just outstanding as it is today with a final ending date when he plans the renewal of this earth replaced by the new Jerusalem for eternity upon his return…God is full of grace and mercy…he always gives his church, his people a time to return to him OUR FIRST LOVE, MAY GOD PROMPT HIS CHURCH TO RETURN TO HIM, OUR FIRST LOVE, TO STAND TALL SO ALL UNBELIEVERS CAN SEE HOW GREAT OUR GOD IS! may his church today become from the Laodicea that she is, into the church of Philadelphia and Smyrna, so the Body of Jesus our Christ can be strong, united and stand to continue his plan of salvation that will be seen throughout the world to save more souls before the return of Jesus our Savior…perhaps who knows maybe some of the rulers that are now jeopardizing God’s creation, souls, laws, commandments and precepts…but definitely, the church is so divided today because of man made opinions and pride on how each one sees the gospel…but the Word of God is one, it is a reality in a person’s life, there should not be divisions…
maybe God through Trump he will give his church a last chance to realize that the church needs to unite (probably it will never happen) because in Luke 18: 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Why does Jesus say this? There must be a reason…but he is giving his church a chance to return to Him and stand for Him among the wolves…
I live in Quebec, Canada and here the government is planning to officially implement the digital ID, in the beginning of his reign, Trudeau was against this plan and he expressed it publicly, but today he is the one that is pushing it…will it happen? we do not know…but one thing I know is that Jesus is in control of his plan for his return and always…I am learning how to stay calm and totally focused in God…Jesus says not to worry, because he never leaves us, abandons us, fails us, turns his back on us…never, he is always there waiting at the door step of our heart for us to totally open the door and let him in, giving him all the space of our heart…we need to diminish and HIM TO GROW…
Jesus prompts us to pray without ceasing day and night, to keep our focus in his Holy Word, without turning neither left or right…take that narrow path so we do not lose ourselves and have only to look in front where we are going with Jesus enlightening our path, we surely arrive safe and sound to our destination…May his church including myself, return to this narrow path, the narrower the better so our eyes are focused only on Jesus our Savior…
Matthew 6:
7 “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
10 Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread,
12 and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil
14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Jesus…for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory for eternity to come…amen, amen, amen
Have a great day, may Jesus bless you and protect you and your family and thank you for your wonderful work in instructing God’s sheep us…amen
With Pelosi and Kimmel in tears, Colbert in shock,
The View, well normal,
and no Canadian citizenship to buy,
We must persevere and remain strong!